2024 SONA: Scores of residents in Kumasi not enthused about current economic situation

Scores of residents in the greater Kumasi metropolitan area have expressed concerns about the current economic situation in the country.

They described it as a ‘dried pocket’ one with increasing taxes on almost every commodity in existence.

These comments were echoed when the Ghana News Agency spoke to some residents to get their reactions on the State of the Nation’s Address (SONA) delivered by the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

In the address, the President told Ghanaians about several efforts being made to improve transparency in the upcoming elections, ensure economic stability, good roads, ensure quality education as well as provide healthcare.

Despite these assurances, some Ghanaians believe there is ‘hardships in the system’ which is not making life easier for them.

Mr. Akwasi Agyena, a driver spotted at Angola Junction, said the turn of events lately had been an issue for him and his family.

Hitherto, the driver alleged that, he spent GH?100.00 on his three
children and wife every day.

‘Now, this same amount must be tripled to be able to eat from morning till evening.

Everything is expensive now, from the fuel we buy to the food we eat,’ he lamented.

Mma Fatima Lawal, Waakye Seller at ‘Tech Taxi Rank’ expects the prices of foodstuffs to go down for food vendors like her, to afford and buy ingredients to make food.

According to her, she used to buy directly from wholesalers but the prices coming in lately prevented her from making bulk purchases.

‘The prices are too high nowadays, when you ask, they say there are taxes, especially on cooking oil, and other charges which are making them increase their price.

‘The government should help us by cancelling some of the taxes on the goods to make it easier for businesses to thrive,’ Mma Lawal appealed.

At Kejetia, the responses were like other parts.

The traders seemed more concerned about the increased taxes and pleaded with the government to adjust for businesses to keep afloat.

Madam Yaa Pokua, a general mer
chandiser, said business lately was not that smooth.

‘Most customers are not buying due to the increase in prices of goods,’ she said.

She explained that it was no fault of traders, the problem had been the high taxes on imported products.

Mr Adu Agyare, another cloth seller, said as the nation prepared for the upcoming elections, it was important to consider the economic welfare of the people because these conditions would determine the choices the citizens made.

‘If I am hungry right now, I won’t even go out to vote, talk less of someone who will make things hard and rip me off my daily bread.’

He asked that the leaders instituted pragmatic measures to help boost economic growth and development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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