Access Bank and others sign pact affordable car loans for workers

Access Bank Ghana (Plc) has entered a strategic partnership with Mac Autos and Spare Parts Ghana Limited, and MG Auto Trading Ghana Ltd to make car loans affordable for workers.

The collaboration agreement was signed between Mr Kafui Bimpe, the Group Head for Business Banking, Access Bank Ghana, and Mr Raman Malhotra, Country Head of Mac Autos, on behalf of their respective organisations.

Under the agreement, Mac Autos and Spare Parts Ghana Limited and MG Auto Trading Ghana Ltd will give a discount of 10 per cent for the purchase of brand-new cars by interested customers, while Access Bank Ghana will make the loan available at a considerable rate.

Mr Bimpe in his remarks noted that the event marks a celebration of partnerships that transcend mere business transactions, resonating deeply within the tapestry of their daily lives.

He said transportation, an indispensable facet of human existence, often presents challenges for individuals and families alike.

‘In our unwavering commitment to addressing the mo
bility needs of our customers, we stand here today to forge alliances with Mac Autos and Spare Parts Ghana Ltd, and MG Auto Trading Ghana Ltd, ushering in a new epoch of accessible and affordable vehicle ownership in Ghana,’ he stated.

‘Our esteemed partners, Mac Autos and Spare Parts Ghana Ltd and MG Auto Trading Ghana Ltd bring to the table a legacy of excellence as the exclusive distributors of Isuzu and Chevrolet products in Ghana.’

He said with a storied heritage dating back to 1924, their steadfast dedication to quality had cemented their reputation as a household name in the automotive industry.

Mr Bimpe said it was with immense pride that they embarked on this collaborative venture with them.

He noted that the automotive landscape in Ghana was undergoing rapid evolution, and Mac Autos and Spare Parts Ghana Ltd and MG Auto Trading Ghana Ltd had been instrumental in not only supplying top-notch spare parts but also in introducing iconic brands such as Isuzu and Chevrolet to the Ghanaian market.

said they were confident that the same success witnessed in the United States and Asian markets with brands like Cruze would be mirrored right here in Ghana.

He said their collective objective was to offer Ghanaians a safer, swifter, and more economical mode of transportation.

‘Today signifies an opportunity to facilitate vehicle ownership, enabling individuals to traverse from point A to point B with utmost ease.’

He said at the Access Bank, their commitment transcends conventional banking; declaring that ‘we aspire to enrich the lives of our customers by proffering solutions to their real-world challenges.’

Mr Bimpe said this collaboration transcends the realm of automobiles; stating that it was about empowering individuals, fortifying families, and catalyzing the growth of the Ghanaian economy.

He said they envision a future wherein the convenience of owning a vehicle was within grasp for a broader spectrum of Ghanaians, propelling progress, and prosperity.

He reaffirmed Access Bank’s unwavering dedi
cation to delivering more than just banking services; saying ‘We are here to effectuate a tangible difference in the lives of our customers and the wider community’.

On his part, Mr Raman Malhotra, Country Head, Mac Autos, said the partnership would afford Ghanaians who want to buy new cars but had financial challenges, the opportunity to do so.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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