Adwa Memorial Museum Promotes History of Ethiopia’s Victory to World, Says Ethiopia EU Advisor

Addis Ababa: The Adwa Victory Memorial Museum will promote Ethiopia’s history of victory to the rest of the world, Ethiopia European Union (EU) Political Affairs Advisor Jannik Vaa said.

The advisor praised the way the museum is built with such a phenomenal architecture which shows the history of Ethiopia’s victory and its symbolization for all Africans.

For the Advisor, the victory of Adwa has demonstrated the unity of Ethiopians to the rest of the world, and inspired all Africans.

It is important to have one spot where visitors from Africa, Europe, Asia as well as other countries learn about the unique battle in the history of humanity, he noted.

Strengthening the unity of Africa is crucial to the efforts towards achieving economic prosperity, Vaa said, pointing out that the European Union became strong and influential by learning from mistakes and overcoming many difficulties.

In Africa too, it is important to design joint projects, narrow differences, and strengthening cooperation and collaboration,
the advisor stressed.

According to Vaa, it has taken a long time to consolidate the European Union. Yet, it is not perfect and we make mistakes. But we learn all the time.

Africa is also carrying out activities to become one, he said, noting that this may not be easy. Sovereign countries have to work together, dialogue, cooperate, be ready to compromise.

The Adwa Victory Memorial Museum includes a virtual reality show depicting the overall events of the battle and other descriptive events.

Various halls including the Pan-African Hall that accommodate 2,500 persons, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, and a modern parking area are also worth mentioning.

The museum has 11 blocks and 5 floors that meet international standards encompassing several meeting halls.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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