Adwa Victory Symbol of Freedom for Oppressed Black People: Transport & Logistics Minister

The victory of Adwa was a mark of Ethiopia’s bright history in which Ethiopians became pioneers for the freedom of Africans and blacks by bringing into action the thought of Medemer in action, Transport and Logistics Minister Alemu Sime said.

A half day panel discussion organized by the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) was held under the theme: ‘Adwa — a symbol of Medemer ‘ at the new Ethiopian News Agency Media Complex today.

Opening the discussion, Transport and Logistics Minister Alemu Sime said the victory of Adwa is a glorious historical legacy that heralded the freedom of Black people across the world by mobilizing Ethiopians from all corners, setting differences aside.

He noted that Ethiopians did a favor to Africa by carrying out an unthinkable heroic act and safeguarding their country with unity and courage.

The minister, who stressed that the victory was an outcome of unity, urged all Ethiopians to come together to defeat poverty with the philosophy of Medemer.

Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) CEO, Sei
fe Deribe stated that the Victory of Adwa is a narrative and rallying point that brings all Ethiopians together.

According to him, ENA organized the panel with the objective to encourage Ethiopians make efforts to repeat the nation’s previous roles in national, continental and international arenas with Medemer.

From among the panelists, the history Professor Ahmed Zekaria stated that the Victory of Adwa is a unique historical event that elevated Ethiopia’s position in the global stages.

The victory is a symbol of freedom for the oppressed Black people across the globe, he added.

In terms of diplomacy, Ethiopia became one of the founding members of the United Nations and its capital, Addis Ababa, became the third international diplomatic hub and seat of the African Union as a result of the Victory of Adwa, according to the professor.

A senior diplomat and member of House of People’s Representatives, Dina Mufti, said Ethiopia has continued its role as a voice, guardian and symbol of oppressed people in the
world since the Victory of Adwa.

He pointed out as an example Ethiopia’s contribution in voicing Africa’s interest at the UN.

In contemporary Ethiopia, the aim of the celebration should focus on efforts that aim at elevating Ethiopia’s status on the continental and global sphere by opting for peaceful mechanisms to address differences and accelerate the nation building activities, the MP stated.

Ethiopia has been a key player in realizing the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) by bringing the Casablanca and Monrovia groups together, Dina added.

Ethiopia has also contributed to world peace by citing the successful peacekeeping missions in Korea, Rwanda, Burundi, Liberia, Sudan and Somalia.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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