Anglican Church gets new archdeaconry in Abuja

The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Diocese of Kubwa, has inaugurated a new archdeaconry in Abuja to further propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

Rt. Rev. Duke Akamisoko, the Bishop of Kubwa Diocese, who inaugurated the new archdeaconry (Kubwa North Archdeaconry) with headquarters at the Church of Transfiguration, Arab Road, Kubwa, Abuja, said that the parish deserved its new status.

The new archdeaconry-Kubwa North-with Venerable Emeka Anyaora, as the Archdeacon, comprised six local churches in the area.

They are St. James Gbazango, Kubwa, Church of Epiphany Gbazango Extension, Kubwa, St. John’s Kagini, All Saints Church Guida, Emmanuel Church Kaba and St. Philip’s Church, Jibi.

Akamisoko said the inauguration of the Kubwa North Archdeaconry would bring evangelism closer to the people.

‘It is a plus to the diocese; it is also a growth and with this, we now have 18 archdeaconries in the diocese, and this is one of them.

‘God will continue to help them to
grow and excel in mission, evangelism and other aspects of human relationship as well as work in the diocese.

‘We encourage our members to work hard and show commitment so as to attract God’s blessing.

‘Anyone that is not committed to the things of God is doing himself harm; those that are committed will be blessed.

‘So, I urge everyone to be committed because it can’t go unrewarded.”

According to the Bishop, the economic challenges in the country are man-made, as God did not design Nigeria to be so.

He urged Nigerians to dedicate themselves to the service of God, no matter the economic challenges.

‘God did not put us where we are; with the right leadership, dedication, commitment from leaders and followers, we will get out of this.

‘Nigerian leaders must be courageous; have human feelings and think about the people.

‘The cost of living is getting high; cost of fuel is also going higher and higher.

‘God has blessed this country with all the resources that are available; so, we have no reason to be w
here we are,’ he said.

Director of Administration, Kubwa Diocese, Venerable Adamu Sabo, said the inauguration would galvanise and encourage expansion in the house of God.

‘I was the first Parish Priest of this church and I am happy with what has happened,’ Sabo said.

Chairman, Clergy Association, Kubwa Diocese, Venerable James Lamja, said that the Kubwa Anglican Diocese was growing from strength to strength.

‘I am excited and we thank God for the developmental strides of the bishop.

‘From here, the diocese will be going higher; from 17 archdeaconries, we are now 20, with an additional three new archdeaconries.

‘This is the beginning of good things to come in this diocese; this is bringing administration to the grassroots and connecting with the diocese,’ he said.

Mr Edwin Nwoko, Chairman of the Inauguration Planning Committee, said that the creation of the new archdeaconry would translate to the spiritual expansion of the Church and service to humanity.

He urged members of the archdeaconry to be commi
tted to God’s work.

‘We thank God for a successful event and our people are happy.

‘We expect spiritual and membership growth as well as prosperity among the people and we expect people coming here to know God.

‘We had a short time to plan this, but the members were united and they cooperated among themselves to achieve the result we got,’ Nwoko said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

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