Anlos reaffirm Anlo Dukor Council for unity and development

Togbi Sri III, the Awoamefia of Anlo in the Volta Region and his paramount chiefs have reaffirmed the Anlo Dukor Council as the highest traditional authority in Anlo.

The major paramountcies in the 36 states of Anlo include Ave Havi, Ave Afiadenyigba, Ave Xevi (Tagba), Dzodze, Penyi, Klikor, Aflao, Some, Weta, Afife, Avenor, Atsyiame, Amugo Wego, Fugo and Kome Shime.

Togbi Sri, speaking at a meeting Tuesday to reaffirm the Council, said the 14th Awoamefia of Anlo Dukor earlier formed the Anlo Dukor Council, Togbi Sri II and that its reaffirmation had become necessary to serve as a focal point to rally all Anlos towards achieving a united front in the interest of all.

He outlined the Council’s vision as ‘to forge a strong bond of unity among the various chiefs of Anlo Dukor in the face of various avoidable challenges associated with the modern state, which in some instances, threaten and undermine our cohesion as one Anlo Dukor.’

Also, it would be to promote the social and economic development of the vario
us traditional areas and to present a common front in demanding Anlo’s share of the national cake.

The Awoamefia said the Council would also enable the people to ‘look ahead in our uniquely Anlo way, bold, optimistic and set our sights on the Anlo we know, we can and we must be’ and to face difficult days together.

To face together the arduous days that lie before us in the courage of the Anlo unity, with the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious morals and values and to defend our heritage handed over to us by our ancestors, show purpose without arrogance, meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength.

‘Let us take as our goal to welcome peace where peace is unknown, to make peace strong where it is fragile and to make peace permanent where it is temporal,’ he charged his paramount chiefs.

Togbi Agbesi Awusu II, the Awadada of Anlo, explained the Council used to be Anlo State (Dukor in Ewe) Council but is now being changed to reflect their language and urged all paramount chiefs to em
brace it, saying ‘We are one Anlo with one heritage, speaking one language and doing things in common.’

Mr Dan Abodakpi, the Awoamezitor of Anlo, ascribed the gallantry and legendary exploits of the ancestors of Anlo to their living in harmony with themselves and said it was important for that spirit of oneness to be brought back.

Mr Edward Doe Adjaho, the former Speaker of Parliament, urged all the paramountcies to welcome the Anlo Dukor Council to keep Anlo together as ‘strength lies in unity.’

Togbi Samlafo IV, Paramount Chief of Atsyiame Traditional Area, in an interview with Ghana News Agency, urged all paramount chiefs to accept the Anlo Dukor Council saying, the Council would not usurp their powers but rather add more weight.

The day saw the Paramount Chiefs duly reaffirm the oath of allegiance to the Anlo Dukor Council and the Awoamefia in consonance with Anlo Customs and usages to consummate their enstoolment process while pledging to defend and protect the image of Anlo Dukor.

Source: Ghana Ne
ws Agency

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