Arewa Forum calls for establishment of Military Endowment Fund

The Arewa Concerned Citizens Forum (ACCF), has called for the establishment of the Nigerian Military Endowment Fund.

The forum, in a statement signed by its co-founders, Alhaji Bello Usman and Dr Victor Bobai, in Kaduna on Tuesday, said that the move was to give back to the military personnel for the selfless service to humanity.

According to the forum, the initiative would serve as an appreciation for the sacrifices and contributions of the nation’s military personnel, for their unwavering commitment to safeguarding the country.

The statement pointed out that the Nigerian military has faced numerous challenges in recent times, including insurgency, banditry, and other security threats.

It added that despite these challenges, the military personnel have continued to serve with dedication and bravery.

‘It is our belief that a more comprehensive approach to supporting our military personnel is necessary to ensure their well-being and enhance their effectiveness,’ it said.

The statement said that the endo
wment fund, if established, would serve as a sustainable funding mechanism for the Nigerian military’s social needs and general well-being.

It equally argued that the fund would foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among stakeholders towards the welfare of military personnel.

On the benefits, the forum argued that the fund would enhance the morale of the military personnel, and improve the welfare and well-being of their families.

‘The fund will also demonstrate appreciation for the sacrifices and contributions of our military personnel and contribution to national security and stability.

‘We appeal to Nigerian governors, members of the National Assembly, multinational companies, financial institutions, and the aviation industry to contribute generously to the Nigerian Military Endowment Fund.

‘Your support will significantly enhance the lives of our military personnel and their families.

‘The ACCF believes that the Nigerian Military Endowment Fund will serve as a testament to our nation’s gra
titude for the sacrifices and contributions of our military personnel.

‘We urge all stakeholders to join us in this noble initiative and contribute generously to the endowment fund,’ the statement said.

The statement also urged wealthy entrepreneurs, politicians and public office holders to ensure that the military, who were having sleepless nights to keep Nigerians safe, were adequately supported.

It particularly quoted the ACCF National Coordinator, Bobai, as urging Nigerians to encourage and boost troop’s morale by showing appreciation for their sacrifices and service to the nation.

It further stressed the need to provide emotional support, counselling services and mental health resources to help soldiers cope with trauma.

The statement appealed to relevant stakeholders to donate to the military welfare funds, volunteer with military organisations, advocate for improved military welfare and support military operations.

‘Nigerians should also foster community engagement, build relationships between th
e military and local communities to promote trust, cooperation and patriotism.

‘We should also provide essential resources by donating food, water, shelter, and medical supplies to support soldiers in the field.

‘Stay informed and educated by staying up-to-date on military operations and challenges, to better understand how to support them effectively.

‘Remember, every small action counts, and collective support can make a significant difference in boosting the military’s efforts to achieve peace and development in Nigeria,’ it said.

It further said: ‘A nation’s strength is not only measured by its military might, but also by the support and morale of its people.

‘Let us stand together in supporting our brave men and women in uniform, and boost their morale as they work tirelessly to protect and defend our great nation.

‘Join the ACCF in calling for support for our military – together, we can make a difference.’

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

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