Ariana: Candidates in January 18 locality of Ettadhamen present their electoral platforms

Candidates Sami Ayari and Wafa Abdelli from the January 18 locality in the Ettadhamen neighbourhood are running in the run-off local elections in the governorate of Ariana.

Sami Ayari and Wafa Abdelli received 304 and 201 votes, respectively, in the first round.

Candidate Sami Ayari, 42, a labourer, has pledged to establish a municipal kindergarten, maintain schools, launch new public transport lines, transform the local Ettadhmen hospital into a regional hospital, encourage young people to become entrepreneurs and develop the multidisciplinary sports hall.

Candidate Wafa Abdelli (29, teacher), for her part, is calling for an environmental ethic to be adopted, infrastructure projects to be stepped up, the quality of public transport to be improved and municipal markets to be renovated.

She also promises to provide sports activities for children and people with special needs, maintain schools, hospitals and youth centres and encourage young people to create their own projects.

Source: Agence Tunis Afriq
ue Presse

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