ARP approves draft law on framework agreement on official development assistance between Tunisia and Korea

The Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) approved at a plenary session Tuesday, with 119 votes in favour and 5 abstentions, the draft organic law on the Framework Agreement on Official Development Assistance between the Government of the Republic of Tunisia and the Government of the Republic of Korea.

The framework agreement signed in Tunis on August 11, 2023 contains 12 articles relating to the objectives, regulations, contributions of the Korean and Tunisian governments. They also relate to the benefits and exemptions granted to the office of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), its representatives and officials, on the one hand, and to its government experts, volunteers, equipment and resources provided by the Korean government to the Republic of Tunisia, on the other hand, for the implementation of the programmes covered by this framework agreement.

Under this Framework Agreement, the Government of Tunisia will allow KOICA to open an office in Tunisia, while enjoying exemption from
custom duties on the import of equipment, machinery, automobiles, products and other facilities required for its activities.

Similarly, representatives of the KOICA office and its officials benefit from exemption from income tax and customs duties on imports of personal luggage, household equipment and other products.

In response to MPs’ statements, Minister of Economy and Planning, Féryel Ouerghi, presented the general framework of Tunisian-Korean cooperation and its main areas and forms.

The KOICA office was opened in Tunis in 2008. This agency is a government institution created in 1991 to implement and concretise donations and aid provided by South Korea at the international level. KOICA has 46 offices abroad.

The Minister highlighted the diverse nature of this bilateral cooperation, explaining that it includes training programmes for volunteers (of which there are more than 900) in the economic, social, cultural and sports fields.

It also includes the provision of material aid and technical cooperat
ion, as well as bilateral cooperation projects implemented by international and UN structures.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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