Best staff award: General overseer places widow on life salary

The General Overseer, Omega Power Ministries (OPM), Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere, has gifted a 72-year-old widow, Mrs Esther Ogu, one million naira, while also promising to pay her salary for life.

Chinyere, who made the presentation of the cheque to the widow at his residence in Port Harcourt on Wednesday, said she was his best domestic staff for 2022.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Ogu, had worked for eight years before she retired as a cleaner in the official residence of the General Overseer.

The general overseer said he personally stopped the 72-year old widow last year from working due to her age, noting that the woman was supposed to be resting and relaxing.

“It will not be fair for her to continue to be working as a cleaner, considering her age.

“I told her that her services will no longer be needed, she insisted that she want to continue to work.

“I then instructed the accounts department of the church to continue to pay her salary for life, even as she has stopped work.

“I also gave her One million naira for being the best domestic staff for 2022,”he said.

Apostle Chinyere has been rewarding his staffs over the years, as some have been rewarded with mini estates and cars, while some were rewarded with landed properties and cash. (NAN)(

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

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