Burkina Faso: An association provides more than 300 animals to vulnerable households

Ouagadougou: The association Supporting the emergence and promotion of the local economy in Africa (SEVE-Africa), in partnership with the NGO Oxfam, handed over on Monday, 332 breeding animals to 83 vulnerable households in Kaya, in the Center-North region.

The ceremony is chaired by the provincial director in charge of Sanmatenga Livestock, Daouda Kiemdé.

It is within the framework of the first axis aimed at improving food and nutritional security of the project ‘Strengthening the resilience and social cohesion of populations affected by crises and the impacts of climate change in the Center-North region’, that SEVE -Africa and its partners act in favor of vulnerable populations in the Sanmatenga province.

The Project Manager, Faustin Kambiré explained that the objective of this donation was to replenish the livestock of vulnerable households, particularly internally displaced people who have lost livestock, in order to restore their means of subsistence and improve their living conditions.

‘We identifie
d 83 vulnerable households through community targeting committees, which covered 15 villages and 5 sectors of the town of Kaya,’ he said.

He added that each village had formed a committee composed of 10 people from local resources, responsible for selecting households based on vulnerability criteria, such as household size with at least 6 dependents.

‘Our priority was households headed by women, those with disabled members, as well as those with at most 5 small ruminants,’ underlined Mr. Kambiré.

The project provided each household of 4 sheep, including one male and three females, with improved feed, 100 kilograms of cake, feeders, drinkers and licking stones, per beneficiary.

Sawadogo Marguerite, internally displaced from the village of Koulgo in the province of Sanmatenga, expressed her gratitude to the SEVE-Africa association and its partners for having revived their economy thanks to this endowment.

As for Bamogo Habibou, resident of the Sanmatenga province, she was delighted with this donation, high
lighting its positive impact on the family economy.

‘This will help finance the children’s education. This endowment is a godsend for us, because the one who does not take care of his animals is the only loser,’ she said.

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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