CEPIL trains grassroots, vulnerable and key stakeholders on Human Rights

The Centre For Public Interest Law, (CEPIL) a Right based

Organisation, has educated selected groupings on human rights education in the Petroleum, oil

and gas sector.

The participants, included Grassroot community members, duty bearers, vulnerable groups and

state institutions.

Predominantly, health, environmental and physical abuse of children, women and people with

disabilities, right to live and properties have characterised mining and oil and gas communities.

Mr. Augustine Niber, the Executive Director of CEPIL said there was the need to look for a

broader way to engage community people and the districts to educate communities to

understand the issues on rights, create a better understanding and empowerment.

‘Over the years, issues on environmental pollution unlike human rights abuses were increasing

and called for concern to rights the wrongs in that area…issues to environmental pollution has

increased and we are now realising its effects.

Issues of rights were very important and that some
level of understanding was very important

to ensure that one’s rights were not easily violated,’ he added.

The CEPIL, envisaged, a society where injustice, oppression, Social inequalities had no place.

Mr. Niber said people everywhere must lead a life of dignity and respect irrespective of class,

colour or geographical location.

The participants were schooled in health and environmental implications of gold and Petroleum

mining, Rights of women and children, persons with disabilities among others.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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