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Christians in Takoradi celebrate Easter with church service

Hundreds of Christians in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis thronged their various churches to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Many of the churches were filled with extra seating provided, with many of the congregation clad in white attire to signify their joy in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

At the Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Cathedral, the occasion was used to baptise and confirm 18 people made up of 10 females and eight men, they were officially welcomed to the catholic faith.

A total of 77 others made up of 41 females and 36 males received their first communion after seven months of catechism.

The congregation also used the occasion to renew their baptismal vows.

In a sermon at the packed cathedral Reverend Fr. Lawrence Krah asked the congregation to use the celebration to aim at heavenly things and not earthly things.

He said Christ died for the salvation of the Christian world, Christians especially, Catholics should lead lives of truthfulness, honesty and integrity.

He said t
hey should use the occasion to build on their faith and ensure reconciliation among families and society and continue to lead just and pure lives as well as act as witnesses to the resurrection of Christ and increase their evangelism drive in their various communities.

He said the resurrection of Christ should bring a change in their ways of doing things and they should change their lives and attitude to be good Christians and followers of Jesus.

He commented the parishioners at the cathedral for their full participation in the weeklong activities that marked the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Special prayers were said for the growth of the church and leaders of the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency