Christians in Takoradi celebrate Palm Sunday with church service, procession

Christians in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis on Sunday embarked on procession through the principal streets of the town to celebrate Palm Sunday, which signifies the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday also marks the end of the five-weeks Lenten period of fasting, almsgiving and prayer, and ushers in the suffering and passion of Jesus Christ.

Many of the churches were filled with the premises decorated with palm fronds while those on procession danced to brass band music, waving palm fronds and singing Hosanna.

At the Star of the Sea Catholic Cathedral Church, the Reverend Father Francis Baffoe Davis, Assistant Cathedral Administrator, in a sermon, called on Christians to use the day to reflect on the passion and suffering of Christ to save humanity.

He said Jesus offered his life for the salvation of humankind and asked Christians to emulate those sacrifices by showing love, compassion and empathy to one another.

Fr. Davis urged the parishioners to be sober in the passion week
and walk with their families, friends and the church in sobriety to be able to ‘resurrect’ with Jesus on Easter Sunday.

‘There is always light at the end of the cross or suffering, Jesus was denied, beaten, mocked and made to carry the cross and at the end of it, he brought salvation, love and peace to the world’.

He told the parishioners not to behave like the Jews who welcomed Christ with palm branches and only turned round to shout ‘crucify Him’ because He did not meet their expectations.

The people of old thought Jesus was going to be a king on earth forgetting that His kingdom was in heaven, Fr Davis said.

He urged all to use the Passion Week to get closer to God so that the five-weeks of Lent they observed would yield some fruits and spiritual benefits.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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