Christians urged to work towards interfaith dialogue for global reconciliation

The Global Christian Forum, a non-denominational religious body, has entreated Christians across the world to work towards promoting interfaith dialogue and sharing of experiences that foster mutual respect.

It encouraged Christians from different denominations to work in unity in addressing the common concern of propagating the Christ’s message of salvation and reconciliation.

During its fourth global gathering held at the Wesley Cathedral, in Accra, Right Reverend Lydia Neshangwe, Moderator of Council for World Mission, encouraged Christians to eschew self-serving mission and work with a common purpose of healing the world, bringing hope to the broken-hearted and reconciliation.

She underscored the need for Churches to move beyond their historical divisions into new relationships of trust, co-operation and communion.

Rev. Neshangwe referenced Acts 13 where Paul and Barnabas, who were different in personality, values, leadership styles and cultural upbringing, and yet, they worked together in their first
missionary work to grow the Church.

In the same vein, she entreated Christians across the globe to work in unity to propagate the Christ’s message of peace, hope and reconciliation in every corner of the world.

On his part, Rev. Dr. Casely Essamuah, the General Secretary, Global Christian Forum, said the meeting highlighted the importance of diversity, unity and reconciliation.

It also intended to build a future of peace and fraternity among Christians of all faith, he added.

The meeting brought together more than 200 pastors, bishops and church administrators across the world.

The meeting provided a platform for the participants to pray, share their experiences and reflect on the Christian mission.

They also went on field trips to the slave castles in Cape Coast and Elmina.

The forum is a global manifestation of the Christian faith, worship and reflecting the diversity and movement of churches from all corners of the world.

The fourth edition of the Global Christian Forum took place in Accra from Apr
il 16 to 19, which also marked the 25th Anniversary of the Forum.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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