CIWED-Ghana constructs classroom block for Kpatiya D/A Primary School

A six-unit classroom block with ancillary facilities has been constructed for pupils of Kpatiya D/A Primary School in the Central Gonja District of the Savannah Region to ensure access to quality education for children in the area.

The ancillary facilities included a library, staff common room, furniture, a borehole, and sanitary facilities.

It was constructed by CIWED-Ghana, an NGO committed to the socio-economic empowerment of the vulnerable in society, with funding support from the Embassy of Japan through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects.

Mr Baako Abdul-Fataw, Executive Director, CIWED-Ghana, speaking during the inauguration of the facility at the school, said it was to create an environment where every child in the area could have access to quality education as well as provide suitable source of clean water, sanitary facilities for the pupils and the community at large.

He said it would ensure a conducive teaching and learning environment for the children to enable them to pursue their dreams and realise their full potential.

He emphasised that ‘This facility is designed to create a nurturing and supportive atmosphere for both students and teachers to ensure a holistic educational experience.’

He appealed to the Central Gonja District Directorate of Education to help extend the School Feeding Programme to the school to increase enrollment in the area.

He emphasised the need for the Ghana Education Service to post experienced teachers to the school to ensure positive teaching and learning outcomes.

Mr Mitori Naoki, Deputy Head of Missions, Japan Embassy in Ghana, underscored the importance of education, emphasising the need for all stakeholders in the area to join forces towards promoting education and the overall development of pupils in the area.

He appealed to parents and guardians to allow their children to stay in school to learn to become responsible citizens.

He said the provision of the facility further strengthened the long-lasting relations between Japan and Ghana, adding the Japanese Government had been providing diverse assistance to the country in the areas of roads and bridges, health centres, schools, electricity, human resource development among others.

Madam Veronica Tampour Kuupol, Central Gonja District Director of Education, said the facility complemented government’s efforts towards advancing quality education in the area.

She gave assurance that the facility would be put to good use.

Danaa Kuribo, Chief of Kpatiya community, expressed gratitude to partners for providing the facility in the area and said it would encourage enrollment, especially among girls.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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