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Elect a leader with Christ-like qualities – Alan Kyerematen

Mr Alan Kyerematen, the Founder of the Movement for Change and presidential hopeful for the 2024 elections, has called on Christians to vote for a leader akin to Christ’s characteristics to lead the nation.

He said it was important to elect a Christian leader, who embodied Christ-like qualities, to steer the nation towards transformation.

Mr Kyerematen made the call in a message at the Church of Pentecost, Dr Wyatt Assembly at Accra Newtown, during the Easter celebration.

He commended the Church for its significant contribution to the country and urged the faithful to utilise their collective influence to determine who became the nation’s next leader.

‘Leadership transcends party affiliations,’ he said, and positioned himself as a transformative candidate, promising a leadership reminiscent of Christ’s assurance to sinners.

Mr Kyerematen underscored the nation’s responsibility to elect a leader who would inspire hope and usher in positive change with over 70 per cent of the population identifying as Chri

He drew a biblical prophecy, particularly Ezekiel’s vision of God establishing His kingdom on earth and invoked divine guidance in the electoral process.

The presidential hopeful implored the faithful to pray for a leader after God’s own heart, emphasising the need for integrity, honesty, and servant leadership.

The former Minister of Trade and Industry appealed to the congregation to pray for him while urging them to support him, as he described himself as the chosen instrument for Ghana’s transformation.

Source: Ghana News Agency