Ensuring Peace, Security Basis to Realizing African Union Agenda 2063: Outgoing AU Chair

Addis Ababa: The peacefulness of Africa remains the very foundation to realizing agenda 2063, Africa’s master plan for transforming the continent into the global powerhouse of the future, Comorian President and outgoing African Union Chairperson, Azali Assoumani underscored.

The outgoing chairperson recalled that the theme of the year during his term was devoted to the acceleration implementation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) and also maritime governance, climate change with particular interest for the promotion and preservation of peace and security on the continent.

‘This shared security concern has guided all our activities during our term and convinced that the peacefulness of our continent remains the very basis of realizing our vision by 2063 for a united and prosperous Africa.’

Agenda 2063 is the continent’s strategic framework that aims to deliver on its goal for inclusive and sustainable development.

Thus, since the election as the AU chairperson, Azali Assoumani mentioned ab
out the efforts made to end conflicts in some countries in the continent.

The outgoing chairperson also indicated his participation in the UNSC chaired by Mozambique which was devoted to the fight against terrorism and violent extremism across Africa.

On that occasion, “I pleaded for establishment of perennial and sustainable financial mechanisms to maintain peace in the continent.”

In the dynamic of promoting peace and security, I have also met with the two generals in Sudan and with other various actors in the country to commit them to the path of dialogue in order to silence the guns.

In a similar spirit, I went to Guinea Conakry in June, and recently to Gabon, to encourage their leaders to speed up the transition process and to bring them back to the fold and to restore constitutional order.

The same efforts made in countries in the Sahel region. With regard to the conflict in Eastern part of Congo, close contact made with Angola’s President who is mandated by the AU, he noted.

Efforts were also mad
e to the resolution of the conflict and restore stability and development in that great African nation in Libya, he added.

He has also mentioned his efforts made to advocate the acceleration of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) by sending envoys to countries that did not ratified it and results gained in the ratification and tariff issues and in accelerating the process.

“I have also advocated for increased public and private investments especially in the areas of infrastructures and the reform of the international financial institutions for African countries,” he added.

The chairmanship term has been an opportunity for considering Africa’s potential for its development, including the blue economy, and the vast maritime area, he noted.

African Development Bank has been supporting Africa’s development, the outgoing Chair pointed out.

The year 2023 has been decisive for our continent because Africa’s agenda have been presented everywhere, he underscored citing the admission of AU in the Group20
as a success.

Other successes were also registered at multilateral level, including in meetings held across the world, he concluded.

I wanted to mark our interest in the growth in private investment, national and foreign investments in order to create jobs and wealth sharing on the continent, he explained.

The potential of the African youth is an asset that we have to use in all our projects, Azali said.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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