Entrepreneur, Real Estate Developer to launch two transformative books

Reverend Dr Bright Adonai, an entrepreneur, and real estate developer, is expected to launch two transformative books to assist players in the industry and those seeking to venture into the business.

The books, ‘Business Sustainability: Training Manual for SME in Ghana, ‘and ‘Building Generational Wealth through Real Estate Investment’ are expected to inspire present and future generations to navigate the fine pathways towards business success.

The books will be launched on August 31.

Dr Adonai, CEO of Adonai Estates Limited, who is a recipient of the 2024 Most Outstanding Personality in Real Estate in Ghana, in an exclusive interview with the Ghana News Agency, said the books would be a game-changer in the Volta region’s real estate market.

The Entrepreneur, also the Rector of Adonai University College of Research and Entrepreneurship (AUCRE), said challenges abound in the sector if due diligence was not followed as much as the tax burden on real estate investments, which made the cost of properties astr
onomically high as well as building materials remaining an albatross.

He said the Government’s support in infrastructural development is absent, which did not help boost business.

He identified funding of real estate investment as a challenge as financial institutions were unwilling to support hence the dependence on sales and individual efforts.

Dr Adonai, a recipient of Ghana Outstanding Business Achievement Awards (GOBAA), said the real estate sector had a solid bright future, adding the industry was an engine of growth hence the need for the government to shine attention on the area.

Expected guests for the book launch include; Togbe Kasa III, Divisional Chief of Ho-Ahoe, Prof John Kwaku Mensah Mawutor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, UPSA; Mr Patrick Ebo Bonful, GREDA President; Prof Raymond Dziwornu, Director, Office of Doctoral Programmes, UPSA; Prof John Bright K. Aheto, Council Chairman, AUCRE; and Dr Achibald Y. Letsa, Volta Regional Minister, among others.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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