Addis Ababa: The infrastructural and economic links between Ethiopia and Djibouti are exemplary model for accelerating integration in the East Africa region, according to the newly elected Vice President of African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Panel of Eminent Persons Ambassador Ahmed Araita Ali. The vice president of APRM Panel of Eminent Persons said that the strong link between Djibouti and Ethiopia is a crucial model for the East African region.
According to Ethiopian News Agency, the two neighboring countries connected by infrastructures, electrified railway, road, exchange of trade, energy transmissions, water supply, people-to-people ties, are examples for successful regional economic integration in the region, he pointed out. He added that Ethiopia and Djibouti are linked through economic and infrastructural ties.
‘The countries are the model for the rest of Africa even, we do have link for electricity, we do have link for water. We do have so many ties; and all that coming to Ethiopia are through D
jibouti. Also, all items going from Ethiopia are through Djibouti. So I think we are seen as a model, as an example,’ he elaborated.
This bilateral relations between the two neighboring countries are successful due to the dedicated works of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Djibouti’s President Ismail Omar Guelleh, he noted. For him, the role of Djibouti as the current chair of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is also crucial to amplify this exemplary link with Ethiopia, accelerating the entire regional integration.
Other countries in the East African Community (EAC) are also trying to connect with railways, he noted. ‘I think the other countries also are trying to do the same, between Kenya and Tanzania or Uganda or etc. So that’s why we are proud to be the showcase. And I think Ethiopia has always been an example. and we are also happy as a Djiboutian to develop this kind of link,’ he added.