Ethiopia Expresses Commitment to Intensify Tree Planting Activities in Refugee Camps

Addis Ababa: Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh has stated that Ethiopia will once again demonstrate its exemplary role by swiftly achieving the historic tree planting initiative it has begun in refugee-hosting areas to protect natural resources and create a favorable environment.

Ethiopians have a long history of providing shelter to refugees and asylum seekers who flee their countries for various reasons.

The international community also acknowledges this commendable act of Ethiopia and its government.

Currently, Ethiopia is hosting over 1.1 million refugees and asylum seekers from 26 countries, providing them with basic social services.

Due to this noble deed, Ethiopia has gained great acceptance and respect at the international level, while environmental protection and green development activities have also been carried out in areas where refugees are sheltered.

Besides this, Ethiopia has made a commitment at the international refugee conference held in Geneva in December, 2023 to plant 100 milli
on seedlings in four years.

To mark the launch of Ethiopia’s 2023 Global Refugee Forum’s ‘Climate Action’ pledge, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh, line ministries, government higher officials, Refugees and Returnees Service, UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency, NGOs, UN agencies and various embassies planted tree seedlings at the Gulele Botanical Garden today.

On the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen highlighted that climate change is causing an imbalance of nature, resulting in desertification, drought, and other related problems.

He noted that Ethiopia has recognized the seriousness of the issue and is focusing on environmental protection activities.

The Green Legacy Initiative started by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed five years ago has also been increasing Ethiopia’s diminished forest coverage, he explained.

Under this year’s Green Legacy Initiative, which began with the slogan “A nation that plants, a generation that endures,” more than 5.5 billion seedlings have been planted so far, he said.

The Dep
uty Prime Minister also stated that Ethiopia’s future is determined by the actions of its citizens today and the commitment of its leaders. He added that the work we started with the Green Legacy Initiative has received international recognition.

Furthermore, he said it is a historic act to begin planting 100 million seedlings to reduce the damage to natural resources in refugee-hosting areas.

The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that while Ethiopia is a welcoming country for refugees, the work begun to encourage refugees to care for their environment is commendable.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized the nation’s commitment to humanitarian efforts, stating, “The people and government of Ethiopia are fulfilling their promise by hosting over 1.1 million refugees. While it is a global responsibility to host and protect refugees, it is equally vital to address the challenges that arise from accommodating such large numbers.’

Therefore, he emphasized the need to demonstrate Ethiopia’s exemplary action again
by planting 100 million seedlings in less than four years.

Refugees and Returnees Services Director General, Teyiba Hassen, stated that the planting of 5 million multi-purpose seedlings has begun in refugee-hosting areas during this year’s rainy season.

She indicated that not only planting seedlings but also working with refugees to nurture the seedlings to fruition will be done.

Therefore, she called on partner organizations and the international community to support Ethiopia’s initiative to make it successful.

‘Ethiopia is hosting one of the largest refugee populations in Africa sharing its resources. Therefore, it is imperative that the international community provides adequate support, adhering to the principles of international responsibility and burden-sharing. This collaboration is essential to mitigate the impact on Ethiopia’s natural resources, given the significant number of refugees the country is hosting.’

Canadian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Joshua Tabah, said that Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initia
tive is an amazing initiative that helps build a sustainable country.

The Ambassador, who described the tree planting initiative that has started in refugee-hosting areas as commendable, stated that Canada will strengthen its cooperation with Ethiopia in terms of both environmental protection and refugee issues.

The Government of Ethiopia has developed progressive policies to demonstrate its commitment to refugees’ protection.

Ethiopia has made significant pledges at the 2023 Global Refugee Forum including on Human Settlements, private sector engagement, access to land and digital connectivity. However, additional support is required to ensure these pledges are implemented, according to Refugees and Returnees Service.

Source : Ethiopian News Agency

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