Ethiopia Taking Right Measures, Right Strategy for Dev’t and Prosperity: Morocco Ambassador to UN

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia is taking the right measures, the right strategy for the development and prosperity of its people thanks to its leadership, Morocco Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Omar Hilale said.

The ambassador, who had been in Addis Ababa a decade ago, was in the capital to participate in the Preparatory Committee for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4).

Approached by ENA, Ambassador Hilale stated that he has witnessed the transformation of Addis Ababa due to the effective leadership and investments aimed at improving the lives of the Ethiopian population.

‘You have Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who is a real leader, taking bold economy, stability, and prosperity of your country. That is the kind of leadership that we need in Africa,’ he said.

According to him, ‘Ethiopia is taking the right measures, the right strategy for the development and prosperity of its people. Thanks to the leadership because the first key for development is to h
ave leadership with ambitious vision for the country. ‘

For the ambassador, Ethiopia has decided that it’s not being dictated by the North. Rather, it’s making decisions for its own people by understanding their context and identifying obstacles to development.

Initiatives like tree planting, mobilizing civil society, supporting small-scale, and implementing impactful projects for farmers are tangible actions, Ambassador Hilale noted, adding that this approach embodies the leadership, foresight, and vision needed to drive meaningful change.

‘We may not resolve all challenges at once, but effective governance and visionary leadership are essential for guiding countries towards development.’

The ambassador explained that this involves making sound decisions, combating corruption, promoting inclusivity, empowering women, attracting investment, and reforming justice systems.

‘Ethiopia is actively pursuing these goals, setting an example of progress and transformation.’

Having been here 10 years ago during t
he first UN conference on financing for development, he recalled the plan of action aimed at financing development in developing countries.

Unfortunately, the commitments made then have not been honored, and developing countries had relied on promised financial support from the North, he lamented.

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the North is not solely accountable for all our challenges.

‘We need to develop the private sector. We need to develop our own resources for development. We need to adapt our national strategies and our economic plan to our capacities to be able to finance development based on our priorities.’

He finally observed that if we Africans unite, seek complementarity, and implement initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) adopted by the African Union, we can achieve development and growth.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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