Addis Ababa: The Ethiopian Federal Technical and Vocational Training Institute states that its free education programs for students from neighboring countries are significantly strengthening regional relations. Brooke Keder, Director General of the Institute, emphasized Ethiopia’s dedication to fostering lasting peace in Africa and strengthening regional connectivity through infrastructure such as roads, trade, and electricity.
According to Ethiopian News Agency, Brooke told ENA that the nation’s educational diplomacy, particularly the free education offered to students from neighboring countries, is a crucial part of these efforts. Over the past five years, the Institute has provided free technical and vocational training to over 200 students annually from neighboring countries.
Brook mentioned that many of these students are now graduating and contributing to the development of their home nations. The Director General also stated that the Institute’s mission encompasses not only developing Ethiopia’s entrepreneurial workforce but also offering valuable training to students from neighboring countries in various professional fields.
He stressed that these educational opportunities are key to fostering stronger people-to-people connections in the region. The Institute plans to expand these programs to reach more countries and enhance regional cooperation.
Trainee Mustafa Beker expressed gratitude for his free education and pledged to promote Ethiopia’s positive image upon his return home. Another beneficiary, Ismail Chama, also expressed his gratitude to the Ethiopian government for the opportunity and praised the support made by the Institute.
‘I am deeply grateful to the Institution and its administration for this scholarship, and I thank the Ethiopian people and government,’ said Chama. ‘This is a truly unique opportunity.’ Both trainees highlighted the significance of the country’s educational programs, which they believe are a vital contribution to regional economic and social development.