Ethiopia’s Sovereign Prestige Benchmarks Our Forefathers Patriotism: FM Taye

Ethiopia’s sovereign prestige is drawn from the selfless and gallant patriotism of our forefathers, Foreign Minister Taye Atske Selassie said.

Foreign Minister Taye told ENA that the sovereignty of countries have constituted in legal form from the II world war onwards while Ethiopia’s sovereignty has rock-solid historical background and has been handed over to generations.

Sovereignty is freedom, he stated, and added that it is demonstrated by institutions and authorities solely vested by the people.

Ethiopians all along the past have paid invaluable sacrifices to maintain its process of nation building; he pointed out, and noted that Ethiopian forefathers, through their gallant fight against colonialists, have made the Ethiopia the emblem of black people’s struggle for freedom.

The Adwa Victory signified the need for emancipation of all black people, ascertaining self-determination, Taye stressed.

The Foreign Minister commended that the forefathers’ heroic sacrifice has paid off and enabled us to have
the prevailing sovereignty.

The present generation should thrive to safeguard the national sovereignty of Ethiopia in similar patriotism to the selfless sacrifices of the forefathers’, he emphasized.

Aid undermines national sovereignty, FM Taye stated, and stressed the need to intensify the efforts towards ensuring food security.

Moreover, he elaborated that the emerging innovations of science and technology should be used for the purpose of national development.

Ethiopia has always thwarted international pressures targeting its national sovereignty, Taye said, and urged the youth to discharge their due responsibility in th

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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