EU Ready to Re-launch MIP, Strongly Urges Int’l Financial Institutions to Assist Ethiopia

The EU stands ready to re-launch its regular Multi-annual Indicative Program (MIP) to accompany further progress on the consolidation of peaceful conflict resolution, reconciliation, stabilization and recovery and macroeconomic stability across Ethiopia, according to a statement issued by the Council of the European Union.

The statement also said that EU also strongly encourages the international financial institutions to assist the Government of Ethiopia in addressing the critical economic situation in the country through its economic reform agenda, and creditor countries to work towards a swift conclusion of the debt restructuring process through the Common Framework.

The Council of the European Union welcomed the significant progress in the implementation of the cessation of hostilities agreement, notably in terms of silencing the guns, facilitating improved humanitarian access, launching the National Rehabilitation Commission to address Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration.

EU also commended the establishment of the African Union Monitoring, Verification and Compliance Mission (AU MVCM), the de-listing of TPLF as a terrorist organization, the advancement in restoration of public services and the appointment of an interim administration in Tigray as well as the ongoing development of a national policy on transitional justice.

Noting that Ethiopia is a key strategic partner for the European Union in the Horn of Africa and Red Sea region, and more broadly on the African continent, the Union appreciated the longstanding close cooperation and dialogue with the government on a wide range of issues.

The statement pointed out that with the resolution of the conflict in northern Ethiopia, the EU looks forward to a normalization of relations with Ethiopia and stands ready to support further progress on its path towards lasting peace.

Furthermore, the Union welcomed the improved humanitarian access to the majority of the conflict-affected areas in northern Ethiopia.

However, the release noted that the widespread humanitarian needs, including in other parts of the country affected by severe drought and other crises, require an adequate and well-coordinated response.

According to the statement, the EU is encouraged by the establishment of the National Rehabilitation Commission and is ready to offer its expertise and support to an inclusive and transparent Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration process.

Finally, the release said that the EU encourages continued and coordinated support of all international partners to the peace process. The Union, including through the engagement of the EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa, and together with its member states, will remain in close contact with the GoE and with like-minded regional and international partners to ensure a common approach in support of Ethiopia’s lasting peace.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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