FG licenses institute to certify data protection professionals

The Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC) has granted licence to the Institute of Information Management (IIM), to conduct examinations and certify data protection professionals for global competitiveness.

The National Commissioner of NDPC, Dr Vincent Olatunji, who said this on Monday while presenting licence to IIM in Abuja, said granting of licence was part of the commission’s measures to implement Executive Order 003 and 005.

Olatunji said certifying data protection professionals in the country would reduce capital flight, create over 500,000 jobs in the sector and encourage more people to be certified.

‘We are trying to ensure implementation of Executive Order 003 and 005 to promote local contents in Nigeria.

‘Most of us who are certified data protection officers have international certifications; we paid some dollars to write exams as well as maintain the certificates.

‘We are trying to domesticate this in Nigeria by having a national certification process.

‘Looking at our population, we need o
ver 500,000 certified data protection officers. We cannot afford to allow capital flight in this area,’ he said.

The national commissioner also said that the commission was considering adopting the licensing across Africa.

‘We are looking at a way this initiative will become a pan-African initiative, whereby data professionals have the national certification we have in Nigeria and can also practise in any part of Africa.

‘It is a way of creating jobs for our people, reducing capital flight, and developing global human capital in the data protection ecosystem.

‘We have also gone further to develop the training model which is unique to us and that is what all the trainers in Nigeria will be using,’ Olatunji said.

He added that the licensing would also create jobs for already licensed Data Protection Compliance Organisations (DPCOs), who would be accredited to train prospective professionals to sit for data protection examinations.

According to him, the national data protection certification will be a hist
oric legacy that will transcend administrations and meet global standards.

Dr Oyedokun Oyewole, President of Institute of Information Management, recalled that the certification process commenced in 2021.

He said the licence would bridge the gap in the data protection ecosystem.

Oyewole assured Nigerians of the institute’s commitment to be the best in the education system of data protection in the country.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

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