GFA Foundation, GARH organize blood donation exercise to save lives 

The GFA Foundation, together with the Greater Accra Regional Hospital (GARH) have organised a blood donation exercise to mark this year’s World Blood donor day.

Dubbed ’20 years of celebrating giving: Thank you blood donors,’ the exercise seeks to manifest the Foundation’s mission of positively impacting the lives of people across various communities.

Dr. Emmanuel Addipa-Adapoe, a Senior Medical Officer at GARH, in an interview with the GNA Sports said the campaign was part of the arrangement of the hospital in celebrating the just-ended blood donor day on June 14.

He said blood donation was important in our society hence for individuals to donate and save lives.

The National Blood Service (NBS) in 2022 revealed that Ghana needed 300,000 voluntary blood donors to meet its blood needs.

‘We want to get that point where people will voluntarily donate blood to us and we know that those bloods are the best to stock the blood bank because they are one of the healthiest people and their blood levels are adequat
e to be donated’, he said.

Dr. Addipa-Adapoe thanked the GFA and all stakeholders for their support to the Greater Accra Regional Hospital. 

Mr. Malcom Frazier Appeadu, Director, GFA Foundation said this was the second time the football association had organised such an exercise.

‘The blood donation exercise is a way to tell Ghanaians that indeed we care about the communities. We work with these communities, so we have to use our platform to also give back to them through our numerous projects,’ he said.

He urged individuals to be voluntary donors to help save the lives of those in need of blood. 

The Director expressed gratitude to the team from the Greater Accra Regional Hospital for making the second edition a success.

The GFA Foundation, launched in 2023 aims to reach out to the needy, touch lives, give back to society whiles focusing on the welfare of players.

The mission of the charity wing is to positively impact lives of people through the support of national and international development initi
atives and goals.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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