GHS commends Chief for contribution to healthcare delivery

The Agortime-Ziope District Health Directorate of the Ghana Health Service (GHS), has commended the Chief of Adzonkor, Torgbui Satsi III for his contribution to healthcare delivery in the community.

‘In 2016, when the District Health Directorate was in need of a space to start the Community Performance-Based Financing programme by World Bank, Torgbui Satsi III, Chief of Adzonkor was a pillar in lobbying for the space for the CHPS to start.’ a citation presented to him read.

At a brief ceremony at Agortime-Kpetoe in the Agortime-Ziope District of the Volta Region, the citation praised Torgbui for a number of achievements.

It commended him for collaborating with his elders, opinion leaders and the nurses, especially Madam Mankata Mawufemor for the start of the project to get the health facility.

Mr. Matthew Adam Ayamba, the District Director of Health Services, who together with Mr Charles Agbeve, MP for Agortime-Ziope signed the citation, named some of the achievements as the writing of proposal and its follow-ups for the acquisition of interim place for the facility, composition of Health Committee of which Torgbui was the Chair.

The health Director said Torgbui Satsi was instrumental in extension of potable water and electricity to the temporal CHPS Compound and proposal for permanent space as where they were operating currently was a rented premises.

Mr. Ayamba said based on the achievements, ‘the management and staff of Agortime-Ziope District Health Directorate, in collaboration with the MP for the area, wish to appreciate, Torgbui Satsi for his contribution in healthcare delivery in the Adzonkor area and beyond’.

In response, Torgbui Satsi, said he received the citation as not honour done him alone, but his Council of elders, leadership, and the entire community because they could not have come far without everyone involvement.

‘We are grateful for the fact that someone is watching our little contribution to the development of the community and for that matter the country, Ghana,’ he said.

He appealed for support from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), corporate entities, and philanthropist to help complete a permanent Adzonkor Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Compound project initiated by the community in 2018 to help bring healthcare services to the doorstep of the residents.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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