Gourma: A community day organized to strengthen social cohesion

The High Commissioner of the province of Gourma, Silas Nacanabo, chaired on June 29, 2024 in Diabo, a day of communities for the strengthening of social cohesion.

With the hydra terrorism that the country of honest men has suffered for several years, the center of Diabo and many other villages have welcomed several thousand internally displaced persons (IDPs).

But, for some time, noted the President of the special delegation (PDS) of Diabo, Lazare Sougrinoma Guira, community conflicts have been recorded despite the legendary hospitality and benevolence of the leaders in this locality.

To counter this situation, which risks becoming widespread, a communities day is organized on the theme: ‘Communities day for the strengthening of social cohesion’.

The ceremony was attended by four (04) main communities living in the commune of Diabo.

These are the Zaogo, Peulh, Yana and Gourmantché communities, which highlighted their culture with a view to a return to calm and the restoration of intercommunity trust.

such, argued the PDS of Diabo, we appealed to culture to block the road to intercommunity conflicts and violent extremism in order to restore living together, peaceful cohabitation and peace.

The various leaders of these communities expressed the need for living together and the wish for a return and consolidation of peace in their locality before the local authorities.

These leaders noted that for the establishment of peace, each community would need to demonstrate forgiveness, wisdom and concession.

Thus, Amadou Boly from the Peulh community stressed that without understanding between men living on the same land, no construction of a solid building is possible.

‘Our parents and our ancestors lived in harmony with other communities, as proof: the Fulani and the Zaogo married,’ he continued.

Amadou Boly asked that everyone show restraint and wisdom for a return to peace.

Jokingly teasing his parents, Donatien Kiéma loudly proclaimed that he strongly wishes for the return of peace so that the Zaogo commu
nity can accompany the Yana to their village.

‘Division will not come through me. Disagreements will not pass through my family, through my community,’ indicated the high commissioner of the province of Gourma, Silas Nacanabo,

In view of what he saw in Diabo, the High Commissioner thinks that promoting joking relationships could contribute effectively to the fight against terrorism, hence his challenge to the various partners to think about it.

To materialize their commitment to the consolidation of peace in this commune, Silas Nacanabo and these leaders planted a peace tree on the town hall grounds.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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