Government urged to reconstruct deplorable Cape Three Points road

The Cape Three Points Development Association has called on the government to take steps to rehabilitate the deplorable Sankor to Cape Three Points road in the Ahanta West Municipality of the Western Region.

Mr Joseph Cudjoe, the Chairman of the Association, speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview, said that stretch had been in a sorry state for several years, and that little had been done by the authorities to reconstruct the road.

He said the situation had been a source of worry for residents in the various communities along that road as it gave rise to criminal activities, loss of lives and damaged vehicles, among other things.

According to him, the community, which was the landmark points of Ghana’s oil and gas discovery could not boast of good road network to aid easy commuting in and out of the area.

He said: ‘In spite of the economic significance of Cape Three Points to the country in terms of tourism, and oil and gas among other resources, we feel that we have not had a fair share
of the national infrastructural development, especially roads.’

Mr Cudjoe noted that the nature of the road had forced Cape Three Points residents to use a stretch that passed through a rubber plantation to join the Princess Town – Axim Road.

‘The people of Cape Three Points drive up to about five miles through a rubber plantation to join the Princess Town – Axim Road. But even on that stretch, there is a very steep hill that makes it almost impossible for bigger vehicles to use,’ he said.

He added that: ‘Surprisingly, the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) transport their fuels and other equipment to their Lighthouse in the town through the new routes we discovered, because the main road; Sankor-Cape Three Points has been abandoned.’

He, therefore, appealed to the GPHA and other stakeholders to come to their aid and fix the five-mile road for them, while the government also took steps to rehabilitate the main Sankor-Cape Three Points road.

Dr Patrick Ekye Kwesie, Leader of Western Nzema Youth Lea
gue, expressed worry over the situation, saying; ‘Cape Three Points, despite being a sensational village, has been reduced to a ‘fetid environment’, where our road network has been very terrible, which is negatively Impacting our social and economic lives.

‘We are pleading with Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, and other stakeholders in the petroleum sector to intervene and help engineer the hill that leads to the community because it’s been a bane on us and can cause havoc as the raining season approaches.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

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