Hopeson Adorye, Media General face GH?10million defamation suit

Daniel Marfo Ofori – Atta, (plaintiff) and the Secretary to the Okyenhene, has filed a GH?10,000 defamation suit against Hopeson Yaovi Adorye (First Defendant) and Media General (Second Defendant).

The plaintiff wants a declaration that the words uttered by Mr Adorye on Media General’s platform were defamatory.

In a statement of claim, the plaintiff is demanding an apology and retraction from Media General a perpetual injunction restraining the defendants whether by themselves, their servants, agents or assigns from repeating similar or other defamatory words against the plaintiff.

In July, Mr Adorye reportedly appeared as a panelist on Media General’s programme ‘Onua Maakye’ a programme carried on Media General’s Onua TV and others.

The plaintiff said the programme had a worldwide audience via the internet through the media house’s Facebook and Youtube handles.

He alleged that Mr Adorye was given unfettered and unrestrained opportunity and indeed was encouraged to run an unjustified commentary on and /
or amplification of a document titled ‘Agyapadee’ in relation to him, the entire membership of Ofori Panin Fie and Okyeman.

He said the document was deliberately littered with the images of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo – Addo, the Okyenhene, Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin and Dr. J. B. Danquah, the insignia of Okyeman and scurrilous references made to him, Nana Asante Bediatuo among others, all subjects of Ofori Panin Fie.

The plaintiff said in the natural and ordinary meaning, the document and especially the commentary and/or amplifications thereon meant and were understood to mean that he authored the document as a scheme to conspire with others to steal, embezzle and covet national assets for use and to corrupt State institutions, including the judiciary to amass wealth to themselves.

He said the meaning of the document and the commentary also meant and were understood to mean that the plaintiff, the Ofori Panin Fie and Okyeman were conniving, anti – nationalists, saboteurs, corrupt and abusers of pu
blic office, among others.

The plaintiff averred emphatically that he had never authored, co – authored, written, co – written, provided a forward or any form of contribution towards the publication of the document, any other document, writing or discussion containing similar content as the said document.

He added that the said the document did not emanate from Ofori Panin Fie or its subjects.

The plaintiff said that the document, a propagandist piece, had been in idle circulation for some time and largely ignored, but ‘given life’ by Mr Adorye on Media General’s platform and repeated by Mr Adorye and others on other platforms thereafter.

He said the matters contained in the document and amplified by Mr Adorye on Media General’s platform though grave, were complete fabrications of ‘devious’ minds and had caused serious harm to his reputation, members of the Ofori Panin Fie and all subjects of Okyeman.

‘The document and 1st Defendant’s comments and/or amplifications thereon are not only absolutely false a
nd scandalous but also callous and engineered to bring public resentment to the plaintiff, the Ofori Panin Fie and the entire Okyeman,’ he said.

He said in consequence of the publication, the plaintiff particularly, the Ofori Panin Fie and the entire Okyeman had suffered considerable distress and embarrassment, and that the conduct of the defendants had also generated a hate campaign against the person of the plaintiff, Ofori Panin Fie and the entire Okyeman.

The plaintiff contended that unless restrained by the Court, the defendants would not retract and apologise for the defamatory publication and would continue to publish or cause to be published same or similar defamatory words concerning the plaintiff, the Ofori Panin Fie and its subjects.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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