IGAD Executive Secretary Calls for Wider Media Coverage Beyond National Borders

IGAD Executive Secretary Workneh Gebeyehu encouraged the media of IGAD region to widen coverage beyond national boundaries and go regional to tell stories to each other and to the rest of the world.

While presenting talking points at the IGAD Member States National Public Media Meeting, Workneh Gebeyehu, IGAD Executive Secretary stated the regional media outlets must have been reporting on the situation in Sudan and how preoccupied we are at IGAD about it.

All the efforts by our Heads of State and Government and our partners in securing peace and stability in Sudan and other parts of our region; notably the home-grown achievements have advanced peace and harmony too, the Executive Secretary noted.

He also encouraged media outlets in the region to keep on reporting about the challenges being confronted in such a way that the people are made aware of about the purpose of addressing the challenges.

One of the main outcomes of this meeting is the revival of the IGAD Member States National Public Media Digital Platform that was established in 2017, Workeneh said, adding that the signing of the MoU will contribute to formalizing ties between your media outlets.

By availing news material to each other, you will be speaking the voice of the region, he said, adding: “And just as a concrete example, I hope that Radio TV, La Nation newspaper covering this meeting… will agree to availing what they have in their cameras to the media outlets in this room; in such a way ENA, UBC, SSBC, SNTV …feature our meeting as a news item tomorrow in their home countries.”

In essence, the MoU and the digital platform are means for the IGAD story to be told, and for the national media to link up with counterparts to go regional for multilateral matters involving IGAD member countries.

The IGAD Secretariat is ready to work with you for the provision of a digital platform to enable this endeavour, Workneh added.

He also revealed that IGAD envisages strong, lasting and quality cooperation with the media in region and will soon accredit designated media personnel to IGAD.

He commended the media outlets for their commitment to the promotion of peace, security, good governance, and development in the region.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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