Illegal miners destroying roads in Nabdam

Parts of a 7.5-kilometre Gane Asonge-Pelungu Feeder Road in the Nabdam District of the Upper East Region, are being destroyed by activities of illegal gold miners.

The illegal miners, in their hunt for gold, are collecting the surface gravel of the road, leaving it bare and slippery, exposing the road to erosion during the rainy season.

It is also exposing road users such as drivers and riders to accidents, particularly at night. 

The road is one the major roads linking Bolgatanga, the capital of the region and other major places such as the Pelungu Market, the biggest market in the district

A visit by the Ghana News Agency (GNA) to the area, revealed that just about 500 meters from Zanlerigu Junior High School, heading from Gane-Asonge, the surface gravel of the road was swept off.

While there, the GNA observed that some of the road’s gravel was being washed at a borehole, about 100 meters away from the road, in a house popularly known by residents as Moah-Naab house.

In an interview with the GNA, some
motorists expressed concern over the act, which was destroying the already deplorable road with numerous potholes.

Mr Bismark Nyaaba, a rider, lamented the cruel act of the illegal miners, describing them as ‘bloodsuckers who have lost the humanity in them and cared little about what happened to the lives of others.

‘Isn’t it shocking that we have gotten here as a country? In the name of gold, you are putting the lives of thousands on the line. This is the highest level of cruelty, and I think they are nothing but bloodsuckers who have lost the value of humanity in them,’ he stated. 

Madam Felicia Ayaaba, a nurse by profession and user of the road, noted that if the activities of the illegal miners were not stopped immediately, they would have dire consequences.

‘It is very unfortunate that this is happening. Just when we are complaining that this road must be tarred because it poses a threat to us, these criminals are making things worse, and I think they must be stopped immediately by the community and
the authorities,’ she stated. 

She added that the destruction of the road was not one of those issues for which residents should be waiting on the government; they must act to end the bad practice and save lives.

Mr Isaac Wulug, the Assembly Member of the Zanlerigu-Dagliga Electoral, said the issue of illegal mining had been happening on the road for some years, and previous assembly members had made efforts to stop it but had not been entirely successful. 

According to him, while his outfit was committed to fighting the menace, he needed the support and commitment of community members to track down the illegal miners.

‘I will call on community members to come together and fight these illegal miners destroying our road for our own good because we are all now exposed to the danger of these activities, and we must rise up because, as an Assemblyman, I can’t do it alone,’ he stated.

He added that the government must also take steps to put the road in proper shape, emphasising that ‘if the road is well const
ructed and tarred, people would be afraid to go there and engage in such activities.’

Madam Agnes Anamoo, the District Chief Executive, said the activities by the illegal miners on the road were not brought to her attention, and since she had been alerted, she would liaise with the police to stop the illegal practice while the government worked to fix the road.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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