Industrial Parks Substituted Over 200 Million USD Import Goods in Nine Months

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s industrial parks have produced more than 200 million USD worth of goods that replace imports, Industrial Parks Development Cooperation (IPDC) announced.

The parks have also earned over 90 million USD in revenue during the stated period by exporting various products to the international market.

Industrial Parks Development Cooperation CEO, Aklilu Taddese said the Industry Parks operating in various parts of Ethiopia have been playing key role in import substitution, foreign currency earnings and job creation.

According to him, the parks in their efforts to strengthen import substitution have managed to produce goods worth of more than 200 million USD over the past nine months.

The successful efforts being exerted to substitute industrial products such as pharmaceutical and other vital goods that were forcing the nation to spend a lot of foreign currency are driving the country to realize the multifaceted prosperity, he added.

The parks have also earned over 90 million USD by export
ing various products to the international market noting that industrial parks in the country have been competing in the global market by producing quality products.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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