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Introduce Measures to support families of persons with disabilities – Disability Manifesto

The Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations (GFD) has called on political parties to introduce measures to support families of persons with disabilities in their various manifestoes.

The GFD specifically called on political parties and policy makers to support those who act as informal carers, to support and empower them to manage their caring responsibilities, to remain active in employment, to maintain good health, and to have a life outside of caring.

Such measures, the GFD said, should also seek to prevent situations where family members with caring responsibilities are disadvantaged or discriminated against.

The Advocacy Committee of the Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations (GFD) has spearheaded the development of a Disability Manifesto for the 2024 elections.

Mr Auberon Jeleel Odoom, Chairman of the Manifesto Committee told the Ghana News Agency that the manifesto will serve as a roadmap to guide policymakers and political leaders in formulating inclusive policies and implementing effe
ctive measures to ensure the full participation and empowerment of persons with disabilities in all aspects of Ghanaian society.

The manifesto also advocates for the establishment of comprehensive social protection programmes that provide financial support, healthcare, and other essential services to persons with disabilities, families affected by disability, and caregivers of persons with disabilities.

Mr Odoom said over the years, political parties have often not involved organizations of persons with disabilities in the development of their manifestoes, which mostly resulted in limited consideration for disability issues in their manifestoes.

‘With the 2024 elections approaching, political parties must give due attention to the concerns and aspirations of this marginalized segment of society.’

The GFD’s Disability Manifesto represents a collective effort to address the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Ghana and to chart a path toward greater inclusion and empowerment.

The Manifesto was
arrived at through a nationwide process of consultation within the Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations and its members, as well as its regional branches.

The Manifesto represents a collective effort to address the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Ghana and to chart a path toward greater inclusion and empowerment, Mr Odoom Said.

Source: Ghana News Agency