Kénédougou: The new album by the artist Djéli Lafialé presented to the press

The managerial staff of HO Production was in front of the media women and men of the city of the orchard on the evening of Saturday June 29, 2024, to present the very first musical work by the artist Djéli Lafialé, an album composed of 8 titles entitled ”AN KA BEN”, which means “Agreement” in the national Dioula language.

Djéli Lafialé, in the civil registry, is called Adama Diabaté, from a family of griots, was born in 1995 in Samogohiri, in the province of Kénédougou.

The man took his first steps in music with an album composed of 8 tracks entitled ‘AN Ka BEN’, which means ‘Agreement’ in the national Dioula language.

In front of the women and men of the media from Orodara, the aim was to present to them this new album which addresses issues related to understanding, solidarity, love and integrity.

According to the artist, Djéli Lafialé, his beginnings in music were punctuated with difficulties including the lack of financial means to support himself, the neglect towards his peers that he suffered duri
ng social events such as weddings and baptisms. The latter, he added, refused to let him perform.

In short, Djéli Lafialé was revealed to the public in 2023 during the final of the first edition of Kénédougou RAP competition organized by H. O production.

‘That day I saw in him a hidden talent that must be produced. ‘It is this dream that is being realized today,’ indicated the promoter of the said structure, Ousmane Hébié.

He launched an appeal to all those of good will for support to the artist to enable him to succeed in his musical career.

The promoter of H. O production expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the local press for their availability and support.

In the same vein, godfather Bakouto Ibrahim Ouattara and godmother Mariam Ouattara also reiterated their thanks to the women and men of the media for this collaboration.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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