Let us crucify selfishness for accelerated development- Apostle Peter Okoe Mankralo

Apostle Peter Okoe Mankralo, a former President of the Apostolic Church-Ghana, has urged Ghanaians to work together to combat the ‘killer syndrome’ that has suddenly engulfed the Ghanaian society for accelerated development.

He said: ‘The Ghanaian society is sadly becoming a killing society; thus, killers of dreams and visions, killers of good ideas and national policies, killers of future leaders of beauty and tranquillity through littering, and killers of good work ethics through glorified laziness, among others.’

Apostle Okoe Mankralo said when he delivered his Easter message the m ed: ‘Let Peace Reign’ to the church and nation during the Good Friday Church Services at the Apostolic Church – Ghana, Calvary District at Madina.

According to him, selfishness had become the root cause of this unfortunate ‘killing syndrome’ as people prioritised political parties and personal gains over the good of society, resulting in actions that did not promote national development.

Instead, he suggested that efforts
be made to foster the ‘keeper syndrome,’ which was defined as caring, preserving, sustaining, and helping one another regardless of ideology, religion, tribe, race colour or political affiliations.

Apostle Okoe Mankralo urged Ghanaians to make a paradigm shift from a ‘killing society’ to a ‘keeping society.’

‘As we commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, may we crucify selfishness, and for that matter all forms of evil in our hearts? May we turn to Him, who has the power to change hearts, so we become our brothers’ keeper and not his killer as stated in the bible,’ he urged.

The former President of the Apostolic Church-Ghana reminded all and sundry that the country could only progress in a serene atmosphere of peace and tranquillity, adding that though conditions may seem unfavourable however with hard work the country would break through as God is always with us.

He urged Christians to work in harmony to receive God’s blessings for a better and brighter future for the country.

He also ca
lled for concerted efforts among the citizenry to pursue and preserve the existing peace irrespective of political, religious, social, and economic differences.

‘This, we must do through prayer, lawful conduct, seasoned speech, especially as we go to the poll in December 2024 for Ghana, to remain the shining example of democracy to all and the beacon of hope for Africa,’ he advised.

Apostle Peter Okoe Mankralo therefore called on the media to effectively and fairly collaborate with actors to serve the public to ensure democracy triumphed.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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