Local government workers advised against partisan activities

Mr. Godfred Nyarko Okyere, immediate past General Secretary, Local Government Service Workers Union (LGSWU) of Trade Union Congress-Ghana, has urged its members to be professional and avoid partisan activities ahead of the December polls.

He said workers role in the local government structure required them to exhibit neutrality in discharging their duties and explained that neutrality and professionalism help to deepen the trust from the public.

Mr Okyere gave the advice in a statement to the Ghana News Agency at the Union’s 12th Quadrennial National Delegates Conference at Winneba in the Central Region.

The Conference was on the theme: ‘Transforming Local Governance: The Role of Workers in Driving Sustainable Development.’

Being neutral, he explained, ‘does not mean not voting in the elections, but being careful not to be involved in partisan activities, as they go about their work.’

Touching on the theme, Mr Okyere noted that transformation was critical for the union to develop new processes and ways
of working to better meet the aspirations of the local populace.

‘To achieve the purpose of local government transformation, the role of workers cannot be underestimated in driving sustainability of development.

‘Workers need to be properly motivated through job security with better working conditions of service, where they will be empowered to generally work towards achieving the set goals of the transformational agenda,’ he said.

Mr Moses Awarikaro, the newly elected National Chairman of the Union, expressed concern about increasing unauthorized deductions from members’ salaries and the frustration the national leadership was going through to stop such deductions and to get refunds for the affected members.

Such actions and inactions of some labour groups, the National Chairman stressed, were undermining the membership drive of the Union and called for urgent solutions to preserve industrial harmony.

He encouraged the members to stand united with the leadership and to be steadfast against all odds, say
ing ‘we can adopt proactive ways and innovations to work for improved conditions of service to enhance our services at the local government level.’

The Youth and Women Committees of the LGSWU also held their First National Quadrennial Delegates conferences as part of the Union’s main conference.

This is in recognition of their resilience and determination as they take an active part in the decision-making process towards the realization of the transformation agenda of making the union strong and vibrant going into the future.

The other new national officers elected to spearhead the affairs of the Union for the next four years are Mr Bismark Von-Golloh as the first Vice Chairman; Mr Bismark Von-Golloh; Madam Virceta Owusu Ayim, second Vice Chairperson; and Mr Christopher Abokah, as the General Secretary.

The rest are Mr Kitson Yakubu, Deputy General Secretary; Mr Bashar Mohammed, first Trustee; and Mr Abdil Moro Mumuni Wandaogou, second Trustee.

The elected National Youth Executives are Rabiatu Adam Bugri
, as the Chairperson; Eugene Adu, first Vice Chairman; Dorcas Dogbeda Sallah, second Vice Chairperson; Rebecca Annan, Secretary; Yussif Abubari Sadic, Assistant Secretary; and Alabani Mumuni, Organiser.

Ms Getrude Apelegiba Abebleh, elected Chairperson of the national women executives; Clare Kuntadaa, Vice Chairperson; Ophilia Nkansah, Secretary; and Jemima Boateng as the Organiser.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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