Members of Tripartite Committee/Secretariat trained on International Labour Standards

The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), has trained 20 members of the National Tripartite Committee (NTC) and its Secretariat in Accra on the effective reporting of the International Labour Standards.

The two-day worship was necessary after comments by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) that the NTC lacked capacities in reporting on the International Labour Standards (ILS).

The CEACR made the comments at the 2023 International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

The workshop, thus, aimed to provide the Tripartite partners with comprehensive insight into key labour standards set by the ILO and build their capacity to effectively participate in Article 22 reporting.

Some of the ILS that Ghana had ratified include Freedom of Association, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Worst Forms of Child Labour, Maternity Protection 103, Abolishing of Child Labour and Forced Labour and Disc

The training was expected to strengthen the staff of the NTC to provide informed assistance to the Committee and build the tripartite constituents and staff capacities to report on the ILS, a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency said.

Representatives from the Ministry, Labour Department, organised labour (Trades Union Congress, the Ghana Federation of Labour and the Forum), the Ghana Employers’ Association and the Attorney-General’s Department attended.

They discussed the overview of the International Labour Instruments, conventions, recommendations, protocols, policies and guidelines, processes involved in the adoption and ratification of the ILO conventions, reporting procedure on the ILO ratified and unratified conventions.

Other topics were the overview of the Labour Act 2003 (Act 651) and the Draft Bill, 2024, and the tripartite roles.

The workshop was technically supported by the ILO Trade for Decent Work (T4DW) and funded by the Finnish Government.

Some guests in attendance were
Madam Gloria Bortelei Noi, Director of Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation at the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, and Madam Akua Ofori Asumadu, the National Project Coordinator, T4DW.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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