Mouhoun: Defenders of the Transition provide a citizen monitoring framework in Bondokuy

Ouagadougou: The ‘Waiyans’ of the commune of Bondokuy, a commune located 100 km from Dedougou, launched their citizen watch on August 15, in the presence of several residents mobilized for the occasion.

Gédéon Tamboé, the municipal coordinator of the ‘Ma Patrie ou Rien’ movement, confided that citizen monitoring activities have been launched in order to support the Transition.

‘I would like to ask for a minute of silence in memory of all the Heroes who fell in defense of the homeland,’ he said at the start. ‘The objectives of our movement are to support the FDS and VDP, to adopt war communication to support our brave FDS and VDP and also to cultivate cohesion and frank collaboration between the inhabitants of Bondokuy and the FDS and VDP,’ added Mr. Tamboé.

He recalled that the commune of Bondokuy experienced its first terrorist attacks on September 5 and 6, 2022, causing since then the displacement of honest citizens.

‘Bondokuy is reborn from its ashes and thanks to the determination of the fighting forc
es under the leadership of our president Captain Ibrahim Traoré and why not support,’ added the municipal coordinator of the Ma Patrie ou Rien movement.

Invited people took turns giving speeches, calling on young people to be more vigilant.

‘Young people, join the citizen watch movements by behaving like FDS or VDP. Always stay strong to thwart the enemy’s plan in the commune of Bondokuy in particular and that of the Boucle du Mouhoun region in general, said Gnilé Tamini, a retired civil servant in Bondokuy.

A roundabout with tires is erected as the permanent site, from where we can see the flags of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Russia. It is therefore now at this place that the wayiyans of the commune will meet every night for their vigil.

Everywhere in all urban centers and secondary centers, actors of all ages have organized themselves to ensure the smooth running of the Transition.

Source : Burkina Information Agency

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