Mrs Mary Chinery-Hesse picks Gender Champion award

The African Women Leaders Network (AWLN), Ghana National Chapter, has honoured Mrs Mary Chinery-Hesse, the Chancellor of the University of Ghana, with a prestigious Gender Champion award.

She was awarded at the Maiden Awards Ceremony and Fundraising Dinner held at the Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra.

The event celebrated her outstanding contributions to promoting gender equality and empowering women in Ghana.

The Award ceremony, held to celebrate African Women’s Day, was purposed to honour women and organisations that made extraordinary contributions to gender equality and the empowerment of women.

The event was also used to raise funds to support AWLN Ghana’s activities, including backing female Parliamentary Candidates in the upcoming 2024 elections.

Dr. Charity Binka, Chair of the AWLN Ghana Chapter, in a letter to Mrs Chinery-Hesse, said the award was to appreciate her significant contributions and commitment to advancing women’s rights and promoting gender equality in the field of education in Ghana.

As the first female Chancellor of the University of Ghana, your trailblazing leadership and influence have contributed significantly to empowering women and girls to pursue higher education and aspire for higher positions in the country. Your efforts align seamlessly with the objectives of AWLN, making your presence at our event particularly meaningful,’ Dr. Binka stated.

Mrs Chinery-Hesse’s influence extended beyond the University, as she previously impacted policies on gender equality in various national and international organisations, earning her widespread recognition and respect.

The AWLN Ghana awards ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, including key stakeholders in gender equality, members of AWLN and representatives from various sectors committed to promoting women’s empowerment.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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