Parliament to receive President Akufo-Addo for SONA today

Accra: President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo will today, deliver an address on the State of the Nation (SONA) to Parliament in Accra.

Article 67 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana states that the President shall deliver a message on the State of the Nation to Parliament at the start of each session and before the dissolution of Parliament.

It also imposes an obligation on Members of Parliament (MPs) and the Speaker, and the Judiciary to receive the President’s SONA.

SONA is a constitutional obligation and yearly tradition, wherein the Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces reports on the status of the country, unveils the government’s agenda for the coming year, and proposes to Parliament certain legislative measures.

Presenting the Business Statement for the Fourth week ending Friday, March 1, Mr Habib Iddrisu, the First Deputy Majority Whip, urged the MPs to be punctual and be in the Chamber by 0900 hours.

He said it would be inappropriate for Members to enter or exit the Chamber after the Preside
nt had entered the House to deliver his address.

With regards to the preparation towards the SONA, Parliament had put in place security measures among which MPs were to display their Parliamentary identification cards to facilitate the work of security personnel and ease of access to the Chamber.

‘Mr Speaker, members are also informed that as part of measures to enhance security, access to the Speaker’s Lobby, the Clerks-at-the-Table Lobby and the frontage of the two Lobbies will be limited to only persons issued with special invitation cards to the said venues,’ Mr Iddrisu said.

‘Consequently, Members on the Majority side are expected to use the exit at the Division Room area or the exit at the Minority side of the House during and after the Address. Members on the Minority side should also use the same exits.’

Mr Iddrisu, also the New Patriotic Party MP for Tolon, told the House that security barriers would be mounted around the Speaker’s Lobby to limit access to the Lobby and its environs.

He urged Me
mbers to ensure that their Protection Officers did not bring weapons to the Chamber, Block and surrounding areas on Tuesday, adding: ‘Members are further advised not to invite guests into the Chamber or its precincts.’

Touching on the debate on the SONA, the First Deputy Majority Whip announced that a Motion to thank the President for the SONA would be moved on Thursday, February 29.

He said, in agreement with the practice of the House, the Business Committee recommended 25 minutes time allotment to the mover and seconder of the Motion.

‘Mr Speaker, while 10 minutes will be allocated to other MPs for contributions, 30 minutes will be given to Leadership for winding up the Debate on Thursday, March 7 2024,’ he said.

The Committee, therefore, urged the MPs to endeavour to be succinct in their contributions to the debate and also avoid repetitions.

In the ensuing week, the Business Statement notes that four ministers would attend upon the House to respond to 27 questions.

Twenty-five of the questions woul
d be oral with the remaining two expected to be urgent questions.

The Roads and Highway, Youth and Sports; Works and Housing and Lands and Natural Resources Ministers would respond to questions on the Floor of the House.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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