Peace effort: Zondoma teachers donate 558,000 FCFA

The Provincial Director of Preschool, Primary and Non-Formal Education (DPEPPNF) of Zondoma, Karim Sawadogo, presented Monday, to the high commissioner of the province of Zondoma, Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé, the sum of 558,000 francs in support of teachers in the province for the FDS and VDP.

Despite other efforts made for the peace effort, preschool and primary school teachers from Zondoma who took part in the organization of the CEP exams and the entrance exam to the sixth grade, 2024 session, mobilized the sum of 558,000 francs to support the local FDS and VDP.

The official presentation of the envelope took place on July 1, 2024 on the occasion of the traditional raising of the colors which took place in the courtyard of the national gendarmerie in Gourcy.

Receiving this contribution from the hands of the first person in charge of the educators Karim Sawadogo, the high commissioner of the Zondoma province, Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé, thanked them for their laudable initiative before immediately transmitting the d
onation to the right person.

We also remember that students from the CEB of Tougo and Gourcy 1 have already had the same vision by mobilizing the sums of 371,600 and 246,620 CFA francs respectively.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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