PM Abiy, President Sahlework Inaugurate Adwa Victory Memorial

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Sahlework Zewde inaugurated today the Adwa Victory Memorial in Addis Ababa.

Adwa Victory Memorial symbolizes number interrelated actors that vividly depict the future of Ethiopia and Africa.

It has 8 gates designated for the unparalleled heroic deeds of the Ethiopian forefathers, stature of the 12 military commanders including Emperor Menelik II and Princess Tayitu Betul, replica of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), as well as a statute depicting symbolic contribution for Pan-Africansm.

The memorial is a gift from the current generation of Ethiopians to the future generation that is expected to carry over the historical feats of the Battle of Adwa.

It clearly shows the link between Ethiopian patriotism and Pan Africanism as well as the extent to which Ethiopia is rooted and positioned both in African history and thee socio-cultural fabrics in which all Africans and black people are woven.

Politically, the Adwa Victory Memorial shows how Ethiopia has cont
inued to play a major role on regional and global issues of African concerns.

It clearly shows how Addis Ababa has stood up to her regional and global expectation as a center for African unity, diplomatic and cultural center of the continent.

Located at the center of the city, the museum is already adding more beauty to Addis Ababa which is preparing to host the 37th Regular Session of the Assembly of Heads State and Government next week. This could give the leaders to visit the ultra-modern museum which is also dedicated to Pan Africanism.

The Adwa Victory Memorial is an emblem of the unity of Ethiopian forces in the Battle of Adwa 127 years ago that made a landmark history by triumphing over Italian colonial powers.

By building the Adwa Victory Memorial, Ethiopians are not only preserving a historical legacy but also reigniting a spirit of change and empowerment.

It is a call to remember the past struggles and victories, to draw strength from them, and to continue the fight for a world where every pers
on, regardless of race or origin, can live with dignity and opportunity.

The Adwa Victory Memorial is therefore more than just a structure of stone and metal; it is a symbol of hope, a shrine of courage, and a school of inspiration for generations to come.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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