The AECF supports innovative enterprises in the agribusiness and renewable energy sectors with the aim of reducing rural poverty, promoting resilient communities and creating jobs. We surface and commercialize new ideas, business models and technologies designed to increase agricultural productivity, improve farmer incomes, expand clean energy access, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve resilience to the effects of climate change while also addressing the crosscutting themes of women, youth, and fragility. In 2021, the AECF launched a refreshed strategy with the objective to build resilience and sustainable incomes for rural and marginalized communities in Africa. AECF has its headquarters in Nairobi and operational centers in Dar-es-Salaam, Mogadishu, and Côte d’Ivoire.
About the FIG Somalia Programme
Finance for Inclusive Growth in Somalia (FIG – Somalia) is a pilot program component under the European Union’s Inclusive Local and Economic Development (ILED) program. ILED’s objective is to contribute to stability in Somalia by extending state authority and services, promoting local reconciliation and peacebuilding, creating inclusive economic opportunities and protecting the most vulnerable.
The objective of FIG Somalia is to revitalize and expand the local economy with a focus on livelihood enhancement, job creation, and broad-based inclusive growth for Somali women, youth, and producer groups.
Specific objectives are:
Facilitate access to finance for women and youth in business and producers both at the financial institution level and enterprise level using the revolving loan fund and the partial guarantee facility with selected partner financial institutions.
To enhance access to relevant business development services mainly through training and business mentorship
Build the capacity of the partner financial institutions to increasingly provide appropriate financial services for a wider scope of customers including those living in rural and decentralized areas in Somalia.
To design and offer appropriate and sustainable products and services to clients through Somali Financial Institutions and ensure targeted clients are growing and becoming more bankable.
FIG’s implementation is primarily through financial instruments meant to increase access to finance for Somali women, youth, and producer groups. The financial instruments are deployed through financial institutions in Somalia. This facility has been extended to two financial institutions in Somalia.
Financing Instruments
Revolving Loan Fund
Dedicated on-lending capital; an average of €1,000 to finance micro-enterprises owned by youth, women and producers.
This is repayable financing to financial institutions; expected to revolve twice during the life of the programme
Expected to be matched by the financial institutions at the ratio of 1:1.
Partial Guarantee Facility
Mitigates the risk of non-repayment for loans advanced, capped at 30% of the end beneficiary loans.
Complements the revolving loan fund component.
Facilitates greater access to formal borrowing for targeted beneficiaries.
Technical Assistance
Build the capacity of the financial institutions– policies, products, and lending structures.
Build capacity of the end beneficiaries – financial literacy, business planning, and record.
Capacity building of local support structures like Business Development (BDS) services providers and the Somali Bankers Association.
The Assignment and scope of work:
AECF is seeking the services of a Somalia-based communications consultant who will provide support to FIG Somalia investees (financial institutions) to conduct a program sensitization campaign in the Somali language. The scope of work is as follows:
Access to Finance events
Conduct two “Access to Finance” events in Mogadishu and Hargeisa with participants including:
Central bank, Local Financials Institutions, and Banks association
Government line ministries and policymakers
Chamber of Commerce
INGOs operating that support FIG program target groups.
BDS providers
Women and youth associations/ groups
Provide marketing support to partner MFIs
Support partner micro finance institutions (MFIs) reach out to the program target groups by:
Supporting MFIs to advertise the program on local TVs & Radios (using the local language)
Supporting MFIs to design short video graphics explaining the program’s advantages for use on social media campaigns.
Supporting MFIs to lead Radio & TV – run programs and messages to promote the program showing the support of AECF & EU by looking at the sectors/ target groups.
Using celebrity individuals’ social media channels to share the program targets with the public
Supporting MFIs partners design and installing advisement billboards in the corridors where ILED/FIG operates.
Supporting MFIs to send routine SMS via mobile phones with the collaboration of telecommunication companies in Somalia/Somaliland to the public as a means of awareness.
Supporting MFIs in the design and printing of flyers in the Somali language for marketing purposes where marketing and loan officers will distribute widely in the markets and social gatherings.
Publications and blogs
Support the production of the below articles and publications:
Publications of success stories, challenges, and lessons learned.
Somalia SME challenges and opportunities (Article)
Women entrepreneur’s role in family livelihood improvement in Somalia (Article)
Does financial institutions in Somalia support creating decent jobs for youth (Article)
Role of the government on SME development in Somalia (Article).
Financing the productive sector can boost Food security in Somalia (Article).
Translation support
Support the MFIs and the FIG-Somalia programme to:
Undertake routine translation of documents and communication materials from English to Somalia and vice versa.
Specific deliverables for the assignment
The contractor will deliver the following outputs:
Prepare an event plan for the “Access to Finance” events as part of an inception plan/report within 7 days of contract award.
Organize and manage 2 “Access to Finance” events in Mogadishu and Hargeisa.
For each event, an event report should be submitted to AECF no more than 7 days after each event.
For each event, submit at least 10 photos of event activities with the AECF communication department duringthe event.
Within 48 hours of each event, submit an attendance/participant list prior to and after each access to finance event.
Support FIG partner MFIs to carry out program sensitization campaigns including the following tasks.
In collaboration with relevant MFIs, create Radio/Tv advertisements and air at least 10 times. All communications must be approved by the MFI and AECF.
Create at least 2 social media posts weekly, complete with graphics (social media banners and posters) in the Somali language for use by MFIs on various platforms including Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. All posts must be approved by AECF.
Design and support the erection of at least 5 billboards in major program locations.
With the collaboration of the MFIs create routine mobile texts to inform the program benefits to the public.
Create social media pages for the MFIs on major social media platforms in Somalia (Facebook and Twitter) and train communication personnel on how to engage.
Develop content (written stories and accompanying photos and videos) for the publication of at least 2 success stories, challenges, and lessons learned every week.
Develop 5 articles relating to FIG target groups as detailed in the scope of work above.
Provide routine translation support for program-related communications from English to Somali and vice versa.
All communications materials must be approved by the AECF communications department. All reports will be submitted in English.
Qualifications/experience required
The applicant should possess the following qualifications:
Demonstrate strong capacity to deliver the assignment on time.
Must have at least a bachelor’s degree in Mass Media and Communication.
Minimum three years’ experience performing similar duties to private sector and development institutions
Experience in social media management/advertisements and graphic design.
Good writing skills. Skills in photography and videography will be an added advantage.
Good political and personal judgment
Ability to analyze complex information quickly and simply for audiences.
Knowledge of the Islamic banking system in Somalia will be an added advantage.
Excellent knowledge of Somali language and working proficiency in English.
Duration of service
The assignment will begin no later than July 2022 and is expected to be completed by October 2022.
The consultant will report to the Project Manager, FIG Somalia and the AECF Communications Manager.
Evaluation Criteria
An evaluation committee will be formed by the AECF and shall include its employees. All members will be bound by the same standards of confidentiality. The service provider should ensure that they fully respond to all criteria to be comprehensively evaluated.
The AECF may request and receive clarification from any consultant when evaluating a proposal. The
evaluation committee may invite some or all of the consultants to appear before the committee to clarify their proposals. In such an event, the evaluation committee may consider such clarifications in evaluating proposals.
In deciding the final selection of qualified bidders, the technical quality of the proposal will be given a
weighting of 70% based on the evaluation criteria. Only the financial proposal of those bidders who qualify technically will be opened. The financial proposal will be allocated a weighting of 30% and the proposals will be ranked in terms of total points scored
Weighted Award
An understanding of the terms of reference
Demonstrate the unique and critical success factors of carrying out this assignment
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of conducting similar communication support activities of private sector investment programs in the agriculture sector, especially on Women Youth, and producer groups based on value chain analysis
Methodology and work plan that will deliver the best value on the assignment
Demonstrate the capacity to deliver the task in a timely and efficient manner.
Provide a realistic work plan on the key deliverables within the timelines of the assignment.
Qualification and Experience
Demonstrate strong capacity to deliver the assignment on time.
Must have at least a bachelor’s degree in Mass Media and Communication
Minimum of three years of performing similar duties in private sector development institutions
Perfect in Somali language and a higher level of English language knowledge
Great knowledge of the Islamic banking system in Somalia adds value
Demonstrate relevant experience in conducting similar engagements. Provide evidence of similar previous experience including a reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments; specification of reporting capabilities, and at least 2 reference letters from past clients
FINANCIAL PROPOSAL: Clarity, relevance, reality to market value/ value for money of cost for the assignment (inclusive of any applicable tax, reimbursable, and travel).
Total Score
Proposal submission
Qualified individuals/firms are invited to submit a proposal that includes the following:
Methodology and approach for conducting the assignment.
Reference list of similar assignments done in the past in Somalia.
The financial proposal clearly shows the budgeted cost in USD for the work to be conducted under the scope of work above.
Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted as separate documents.
AECF is obliged by the Kenyan tax authorities to withhold taxes on service contract fees as well as ensure 16% VAT is charged where applicable. Applicants are advised to ensure that they have a clear understanding of their tax position with regards to provisions of Kenya tax legislation when developing their proposals.
AECF reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, the number of short-listed participants, the right to withdraw from the proposal process, the right to change this timetable at any time without notice and reserves the right to withdraw this tender at any time, without prior notice and without liability to compensate and/or reimburse any party. In case you do not hear from us in a month, please consider your application unsuccessful.
Source: Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund