Residents of Gedeo, Wolayita, and South Omo Zones Undertake Public Rallies Expressing Support for Nat’l Defense Force

Residents of Gedeo, Wolayita, and South Omo zones in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) of Ethiopia have undertaken public demonstrations expressing their solidarity with the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) today.

Accordingly. demonstrators in Dilla town of the Gedeo Zone are chanting various slogans that support the national defense force and against extremists. Demonstrators during the public rally said: “Stop tarnishing the name of the army that saved us sacrificing its life.

It’s impossible to satisfy the desire for power by sowing suspicion and hatred among the people.

Extremists are political merchants; they don’t represent any ethnic group,” the demonstrators chanted.

Youth, women, government leadership and various sections of the society have participated in the rally.

“We will strengthen national brotherhood by fighting against extremism,” they chanted.

At the same time, a peaceful public demonstration opposing extremism and supporting the national defense forces was held in the Wolayita zone.

The participants are chanting different slogans in the peaceful demonstration condemning extremism and supporting the national defense force.

“Extremists are political merchants and not representatives of any nation,” the demonstrators said.

“Our army will build our unity, extremists will be ashamed. It (ENDF) died to save our lives.”

A large number of residents and various sections of society from 23 rural district and city government structures in the zone are marching to the multi-purpose stadium of Sodo City.

Ethiopians reside in various parts of the country have held similar demonstrations in support of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces today.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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