Sang Orphanage receives food items, clothing

A child and vulnerable persons-centred charity project has supported the Nazareth Home for God’s Children at Sang in the Northern Region with assorted items to enhance the care of the children.

The ‘Hearts of Hope Project’ donated assorted food items, detergents, clothing, shoes and water as part of its humanitarian services in helping the needy.

Miss Cynthia Lamisi Anaba, the Founder and Project Coordinator of the Hearts of Hope Project, who presented the items at the weekend, stressed the importance of helping the needy in society.

She said the project had been mobilising resources to support the needy throughout the country in line with the slogan of the project: ‘Bringing Hope to Children with Special Needs’.

The charity project, established in 2023, aimed at working to put smiles on the faces of needy children hence the donation to the Nazareth Home for God’s Children at Sang.

She expressed gratitude to the all the donors, and said as a project, powered by love, compassion and unwavering dedication
, served as a beacon of hope for many vulnerable and less privileged families.

Miss Anaba said fostering a society that embraced diversity and celebrated every child’s potential, Project H2H advocated a brighter and more inclusive world for children with special needs, one filled with opportunities, understanding and acceptance.

‘At H2H, we believe that every child, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.’

‘We are committed to fostering an inclusive and compassionate community where these children can thrive and be celebrated for their unique strengths’, she said.

Reverend Sister Stan Teresa Mumuni, the Founder of Nazareth Home for God’s Children, expressed appreciation to Miss Anaba and her team for their support, acknowledging the donors for putting smiles on their faces.

She said every support, no matter how small, would help improve the conditions at the orphanage and appealed for more of such assistance to help cater for the children.

he Hearts of Hope for Children with Special Needs is a charitable project that was born out of a vision to create a more compassionate and inclusive society for children with special needs.

Founded by a group of passionate individuals, including parents of children with special needs, educators, and healthcare professionals, the project strived to make a meaningful impact in the lives of vulnerable children and their families.

As a non-profit project, it relied on the generous support of donors, volunteers, and corporate partners to sustain its programmes.

Rev. Sis. Mumuni, a Ghanaian Nun of the Marian Sisters of Eucharistic Love (MASEL) Congregation, had become a beacon of hope for children with special needs.

She founded the Nazareth Home for God’s Children at Sang in the Yendi Diocese of the Northern Region to welcome and cater for those ‘rejected’ children with deformities, irrespective of their religion, class or ethnic background.

Currently, the orphanage houses about 120 children who are in dire n
eed of support in terms of food, clothing, education sponsorship, vocational training, and volunteers, among other things.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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