‘See Something, Say Something’: Greater Accra Market Queens pledge to share security information 

Market Queens in the Greater Accra Region have pledged to support the ‘See Something, Say Something’ Campaign by sharing security-related information with security agencies.

They have also promised to spread awareness on the campaign for the citizenry to be well informed.

The Market Queens made the pledge on Thursday during a sensitisation session with the Ministry of National Security in Accra.

In May 2022, the ‘See Something, Say Something’ campaign was launched to encourage citizens to play active roles in the protection of the peace and stability of the country.

The campaign aims to empower Ghanaians to be more conscious about their own security and enhance their relationship with State security authorities.

Citizens are to dial ‘999’ to report any suspicious or unusual activity happening within their communities.

Callers are not obliged to disclose their identity.

Since its inception, the Ministry of National Security has extensively engaged citizens, school children and various stakeholders, thr
ough awareness creation campaigns.

As part of the campaign, citizens are encouraged to use the acronym ‘S.A.L.U. T. E.’ to gather information and report suspicious activities.

‘S’ in ‘S.A.L.U.T. E,’ means the size of the item or specific features of the item/person involved in a suspicious activity.

‘A’ stands for suspicious or criminal activity being carried out. ‘L’ for the Location of the activity.

‘U’ stands for the uniform being worn by the suspect. ‘T’ for the time or period of the day the incident happened and ‘E’ for equipment being used to carry out the criminal act.

Madam Mercy Naa Aforowa Needjan, President of the Greater Accra Market Traders Association, praised the Ministry of National Security for counting them as important stakeholders in enhancing Ghana’s security.

She urged traders to be ambassadors of security in the marketplaces and expose evildoers in society.

The traders, during the interactive session, asked security personnel to ensure their anonymity to deepen trust between them
and the populace.

‘On many occasions when we report evil doers to the police or security personnel, they end up releasing them and disclosing our identities to these people thereby putting us in danger. If the security agencies want us to share information with them, they should protect our identities so that we can trust them,’ they said. 

Mrs Akosua D. Ntim Sekyere, Coordinator of the ‘See Something, Say Something’ Campaign, said Market Queens were important stakeholders in promoting security because of their influence on traders.

She said they had the potential to rally traders in support of any government agenda, hence the decision to involve them in the campaign.

Mrs Sekyere said the campaign was a national agenda devoid of political colours, ethnic or religious affiliation and urged the citizenry to embrace the campaign.

‘This is a national campaign which seeks to secure our national security. Given what is happening to neighbouring countries and elsewhere within the Sub-region, we want everybody o
n board including the market community.’

‘Due to the nature of your work, you engage with lots of people and see many things. You are well positioned, and we count on you to help us with valuable information to enhance our security,’ she said.

The Coordinator cautioned against prank calls and abuse of the toll-free line.

She advised parents and guardians to pay attention to their wards’ engagements with people especially on social media to protect them from radicalisation.

Radicalisation is when someone starts to believe or support extreme views, and in some cases, then participates in terrorist groups or acts.

It can be motivated by a range of factors, including ideologies, religious beliefs, political beliefs and prejudices against particular groups of people.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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