Somalia Welcomes Adoption of Verification Report for EAC Membership

The Federal Republic of Somalia warmly welcomes the adoption of the ‘Verification Report’ on its application by the East African Community Heads of State, which was reviewed and deliberated at the 21st Extraordinary Summit held on May 31 in Bujumbura, Burundi.

The adoption of the verification report is a noteworthy milestone and testament that Somalia is ready and fully equipped to join the EAC. Somalia will be a great addition to the EAC sisterly countries and contribute the integration and the prosperity of the region.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the Somali government appreciates the confidence exhibited by the Summit to the Somalia application to join EAC and the professionalism shown by the secretariat.

Somalia expresses its gratitude and appreciation to the to the heads of state and General Secretariat of the East African Community for the communiqué that was made public and reaffirms its determination and desire to engage in productive negotiations that would hasten the EAC’s confirmation of its membership and formal admission.

Source: Somali National News Agency

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