Speeding up work on Suame Interchange project: Road Minister encourages night work

Mr Kwasi Amoako-Atta, Minister for Roads, and Highways, has encouraged contractors working on the Suame Interchange Project to introduce night work where possible, to speed up the project for the benefit of motorists.

‘Very soon, it will be necessary to introduce night work because the Suame area is quite congested in terms of human and vehicular movements,’ the Minister said, when he visited the project site to inspect progress of work.

According to him, working at night would also inure to the benefit of the contractors because the heavy traffic which often disrupted their work would be absent during the night.

‘I want to urge all of you to put in greater efforts because, this is a major project that we need in Kumasi to solve an age-long problem,’ he told the contractors.

The Minister, however, expressed satisfaction about the rate at which the contractors were working on the complementary roads ahead of the main interchange.

He implored them to work to specifications and put in place all safety meas
ures to prevent accidents among the workers as well as motorists and pedestrians.

The Suame Interchange Project is a four-tier interchange, which includes the widening of the Eastern and Western by-passes, improvement of a short section of the Mampong North and South Roads, vehicular overpass bridge at Krofrom Junction and underpass at Abrepo Junction.

It also comes with three overpasses at Anomangye, Magazine New Road Junction, and Abusuakruwa Junction as well as the construction of 15 kilometres of local roads.

Rango Construction Company Limited, the contractor executing the project is currently widening the Offinso road into a three-lane dual carriage and sections of selected roads that complement movement within the various arterial roads from the Suame Roundabout.

Prior to the Minister’s visit to the Suame Interchange Project site, he inspected work on the construction of the main road leading to Bonwire and its town roads before proceeding to Asante Mampong where he called on the Paramount Chief, Da
asebre Osei Bonsu II.

He also inspected about 30 kilometres of roads under construction in the Mampong Municipality including the Mampong-Kofiase-Kyeremfaso, Krobo-Kyeremfaso, Water Works and other access roads that run through Kofi Sarpongkrom.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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